Chapter 1: Bullies

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A/N I never bother finishing my stories *sighs* I have learned so much about writing, reading other peoples and how they write with such detail. I will try my hardest to finish all the others, so for the time being I wont always update this one. I've been having writers block for all the other ones *sighs* but I get an idea and write this, I don't even bother questioning my logic anymore, Leave suggestions below. On that note I hope you enjoy the story ^-^ If you don't want your last name to be Ackerman you can always put your last name as it instead :3 I am just trying to be original-ish cX If you don't understand some things I will place it in my other book 'Keys' so you can look over there and see or I will make an author note. I'll do something :P


You woke up to a guitar softly strumming you awaken and notice Levi sitting in a chair playing the guitar "Since when did you play the guitar?" You said waking up with a groggy tone, it was Monday you hated Monday's "My friend taught me." Levi stated with his casual straight face. You hop out of bed and stretched "And since when did you have a guitar?" You asked you (h/c) (h/l) covering your face as you reached for your toes. "Since when did you ask so many questions?" Levi muttered you roll your eyes and head to the kitchen, you see your mom and step father. Mikasa walked into the room "You are finally awake!" Mikasa said happily.

Mikasa, Levi and you were brother and sister you loved them to death and they felt the same way with you. Levi walked upstairs and into the kitchen with his guitar "Is that your girlfriend?" you said laughing a little bit, Levi looked at you and slapped your arm you rolled your eyes "there there" You laughed Mikasa was trying not to laugh but she did dropping the carton of orange juice "Dangit" Mikasa said laughing still. "At least it was still close" (m/n) said, you walked over and picked up the carton. You all eat you go downstairs to your room and get changed to get to school. You change into (f/c) short sleeve stop and light denim jeans with a black cardigan and navy blue converse you grab your back pack and walk to school with your siblings you all talk about how school would go, you couldn't wait till school ended you wanted to do some karate. You doze off "(y/n)!!!" Levi whisper yells as he waves his hand in front of you, you broke your daze "Huh?" You ask "You doze out again." Levi sighed Mikasa just snickered.

You looked at Mikasa like you were going to kill her in a sisterly way. She stops snickering "You seriously need to pay attention brat." Levi muttered you still heard him Mikasa laughed and noticed you were giving the Shut-the-hell-up look and she ran from you, you chased after her your (h/l) (h/c) flying in the wind you run after you sister you both leaving Levi behind "Tch." Levi said "Got ditched again." Levi says under his breath and runs to catch up to his siblings. You sprint like a cheetah after Mikasa she stopped to catch her breath in front of the school not knowing you were still after her she stopped and but her hands on her knees panting from her run. You tackle her only making her stumble "Got you!" you say as you chuckle Levi started to slow down and walk over to you guys "Would you stop leaving me behind, damn." Levi said out of breath as well as his siblings "Awwww is big brother scared?" you say to Levi, "Tch." Levi said crossing his arms with the-heck-brat look.

Levi was sixteen so was Mikasa she was two months behind Levi and you were the baby, you were fifteen but you all managed to get in the same grade. You head up the steps to your high school with your siblings behind you laughing you walk over to your locker, Mikasa and Levi's were near your's since you all had the same last name you all took out your books. Armin, Eren, Sasha, Jean, Connie, Hanji and Petra came to you guys "Hey!" Armin said gleefully they were your closest friends. You noticed Sasha with her potato "Really Sasha." You let out a light chuckle "I was hungry!" Sasha protested you let out another laugh everyone else to "But a potato?" You asked curiously and sigh closing your locker everyone talking. 

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