Chapter 29: Hand to Hand Combat

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(I know xD hand to hand combat is supposed to be before 3DMG but you knowww what. . . . :P I am gonna change it up a bit so :3)

After having the retake test for Eren, you all had to do Hand to Hand combat training, although you have already done it before, it was supposed to be way harder, since you are nearing graduation, it was to be in a month now.

Commander Shadis had told you to go to a box and pull out a piece of paper, who ever got the same number as you had to fight you in the hand to hand combat. You never really knew that Keith Shadis was a creative man, you thought he was a man of no heart or soul for that matter.

You went over to you little group, asking what numbers everyone got, lucky enough most members in the group had another member in the group. "I got 7." Mikasa stated "I got 9." Armin piped up "7" Jean said uninterested but he hid that he was happy, "3." you said with a smile "6!" Sasha said excited "3." Eren said with a smirk, "6!" Connie said smiling and looking at Sasha, "I got 9." Christa spoke up Ymir gave her a worried look, they had joined your friends group a while ago but didn't seem to be with you guys to much. "8" Marco said "8 as well." Ymir said uninterested.

Annie, Bertholdt, and Reiner walked over to see if any of the people in the group had the same number as them "4." Annie stated "4 as well." Reiner spoke "10," Bertholdt said he had to go find his partner.

Everyone went with  their partners  on the training ground.

Eren gave you a smirk which you just returned "You better watch out Jaeger." You stated making him laugh "You wish Ackerman" Eren stated, he really didn't want  to hurt you but her had to in order to get you to drop the dagger.

Eren decided to attack first, you stood there waiting for him to get close enough, as he was about to punch your face you swiftly dodged his action, earning a grunt from him and a smirk from you "Oi!" Eren said trying to catch you off guard you looked away to where he was pointing he tried to kick you in the stomach but you had grabbed his foot and shoved it to the ground causing him to fall, "Your going easy on me aren't you!" He shouted

Only the two of you could hear it though you shrugged your shoulders with a smirk he just glared at you while he got up and dusted himself off.

After waiting for him to attack you didn't know that he was about to attack you snapped out of your thoughts when you felt a kick to your right hand and an unsettling crack, the pain just made you fall on  the floor holding your wrist you were on your knees ' Fucking hell Jaeger  you got one hell of a kick ' you thought, Mikasa ran over to you leaving Jean, the group just staring at you with awe and disbelief.

"What the hell happened?" Mikasa yelled at Eren his eyes widened at your response "It's... Not... His... Fault." You said standing up getting into a fighting stance "Oh hell no?! Is she doing what I think shes doing?" Jean asked Sasha and Connie who were right next to him

"Oh cookies! She is going to!" Sasha said eyes widened making her brown eyes widened to look like a puppies pouting face.

 "Bring it on Jaeger." You said at him "I think you should be going to the nurse. . ." Eren said "Nah. . ." You said Mikasa stepped to  the side worried "o-okay. . ." Eren said he felt guilt for hurting  your wrist that bad, but he was also very confused on how the hell you were still going to fight even with one hand.

You grabbed the wooden dagger out of your now broken right hand, getting into your stance everyone's hands on their moves eyes widened in shock even the commander was shocked at this.

Eren hesitantly tired to punch you in the face you swiftly dodged it and sweep kicked him making him lose his balance and fall to the ground, he was then out because he had dropped his dagger in the process.

You had gotten up and then helped him up, you nodded "good job." you spoke you voice weakening to due to pain in your right wrist, Mikasa then walked over to you to take you to the nurses office only for you to take two steps and your vision to blacken.

"(Y/n)?" Mikasa asked before picking you up and sighing and taking you to infirmary.

Everyone stood frozen thoughts like 'her arm was broken how did she keep fighting I would've been on the ground crying' or 'She's one tough cookie!' 

~~~Mikasa's POV~~~

After taking my little sister to the infirmary and telling the nurse what had happened she told me to come get her when she awoke.

Me being myself did not want to leave her, but the nurse insisted I did, so I had no other choice than to leave my sister in the hands of the nurse.

Training was over with for the day and everyone was under the willow tree that we normally hanged out at, but something was, odd. Different if you might say, everyone had worried and sad expressions written on their facial features

"What is the matter?" I asked the group, they weren't talking they had looked at me then back to what they were staring out, I gave out a sigh "Is it about (y/n)?" I asked they nodded "She will be fine. Knowing her this is not as bad as a fight shes had before." I spoke, trying to help them be happier about the situation, but it also was true.

She has suffered many fights and many painful injuries so a broken wrist wasn't that bad, but being n the military was going to be hard, with the 3DMG and hand to hand combat, if she can survive the few more weeks we are here then.

She is a true solider compared to all of us.

I sat down next to Eren knowing he has a major crush on her, and knowing that he was the one who also caused this he was the one saddened and most worried compared to everyone else here.

"Uhm. Mikasa?" Jean asked me I looked at him and nodded "It's about your mother." He said his brown hues becoming an even more sadden tone.

"Yeah? What about her?" I asked raising my eyebrow but keeping my emotionless face.

"She died, today. Commander Shadis' cadet helper was trying to find you and (y/n) to tell you but they couldn't find you . . ." Jean said sadly my eyes widened at this.

"Did they say how?" I asked getting sad, (y/n) would probably be heart broken having a connection with our mom.

"She was smashed against a tree, her body was still intact then the titans hand killed her by grabbing her. Your mothers friend saw the whole thing. . ." Connie stated his golden eyes were just about to cry.

I nodded, and looked up to notice a small figure starting to approach us.

It was (y/n).

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