Chapter 7: Hospital Room Party

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"So when do you get released (y/n)?" Petra exclaimed, "Uh." you stopped to think for a moment trying to remember what day "Thursday." you recalled, you still had five days it being Saturday "Oh, hey at least it is just under a week!" Connie said with a cheeky grin "You look like a monkey doing that." Levi said with his emotionless expression everyone cracked up laughing you let out a chuckle, but the way your face looked it looked like you were a robot, not being able to move your mouth. Armin was over in a chair casually reading a book like he always did "Armin, dude seriously." Eren said whining, his friend not bothering to join in on the fun "What! It's interesting." Armin spoke avoiding everyone's gaze, he then put the book down.

"Heheh." you said in a giggle kind of way "What the actual hell was that?" Connie said looking around the room "Don't know what you are talking about Connie." Mikasa spoke she knew it was you she was staring straight at you. You made the noise again, Connie started getting scared and everyone else knew it was you, they all looked like they were going to explode from laughter even Levi! "I think this room is haunted.... I'M OUT!!!" Connie said and ran out the room everyone began to laugh as you were just giggling not making your cheeks move, so the stitches would not loosen again.

You soon started to drift off to sleep Mikasa being the one to noticed she walked over and put the blanket on the end of the bed, draped it over you the (f/c) blanket was really fuzzy so it kept you warm. "We should go, she needs her rest." Mikasa spoke as everyone looked at her with awe, they knew she was caring towards you but they never expected that everyone got up and left to leave you be.

After your peaceful sleep you woke up you carefully took your left hand and rubbed you eyes so you could wake up and rub off the sleepiness in your eyes, after rubbing your tired (e/c) you woke up and then blinked to get used to the light in the room, you went to the bathroom and did everything, you brushed your hair and teeth and other necessary things, after that you went back to your bed as you sat down you noticed the bandages, you never really got to look at your legs, a moment later  there was a knock at the door "Come in?" you replied, your stomach started hurting so you got back into a laying down position and put the covers back on. "Hey (y/n)!" the males voice said cheerfully "Hey Eren." you replied with a small smile, he walked over and sat in the wooden chair "What did the doctor tell you about doing that." Eren scolded you playfully but really meant it "Baka." {stupid in Japanese} you said with a pout like face.

'Awww! Why must she do that face! ' Eren thought he started to blush "Eren?" you asked "Yes?" Eren replied "Are you sick? You're awfully red?" you replied with concern on your face "Uh? Hm? I'm fine." Eren replied smiling sheepishly "Okay." you said the concern leaving your voice. "So how has school been going?" you asked wanting to break the awkward silence it wasn't really that much of awkward it was just very silent "It's been good." Eren replied sheepishly "Oh, boy I will have fun going back to school." you said sighing "huh?" Eren asked confused "Lots of school work." you said with another sigh you just nodded in agreement to his understanding of the situation.

"Well i'm pretty sure everyone can help you understand what's happening in class." Eren said you nodded looking out the window "Something the matter?" Eren asked worried laced in his voice you shook your head "Just can't wait till I get out of the hospital is all." you said with sadness clearly written on your face and in your voice.

After a while of talking there were knocks on your hospital door "Come in." you replied as you looked toward the door your (h/c) (h/l) getting in your face a bit "Hey (y/n)!" the female's voice said, your (e/c) eyes widened as you knew it was Sasha. Sasha would make the best and funniest jokes, mainly about food but it was still very funny.

"Hey Sash!" you said happily, "Hey Sasha!" Eren exclaimed "How are you doing (y/n)?" Sasha said with a genuine smile on her face. "I've been okay. How about yourself?" you said with a simple nod, "I've been good I have a boyfriend." Sasha was at this point jumping up and down with excitement "Who? food?" you teased Eren laughed and Sasha stood there pouting "No, I wish." Sasha retorted "Okay who is it?" Eren and you said in unison "Connie." Sasha said jumping up and down once again "Good for you! Who asked who!?" Eren asked happy for one of his friends "Eren, sheesh you sound like a girl." you said smirking he gave you a glare "Connie asked me." Sasha rejoiced "Wow he finally grew a pair and asked you!" Eren exclaimed happily she nodded and sat down at the foot of the hospital bed.

"Hey (y/n) wanna Taco bout it??" Sasha asked with that food loving face on "It's Nacho problem." you replied laughing the doctor said it was okay to move your cheeks now. Sasha, Eren and you started dying from laughter at the little pun, "It rains cats and dogs, but it doesn't reindeer." Sasha was laughing so hard she could barley breathe you were trying to calm down and Eren was on the floor literally rolling around laughing his butt off.

"My sides hurt!!" you exclaimed in between your deep breathes of air, your sides were on fire because of the pain from laughing "same here!" Eren and Sasha said regaining their breathing.


A/N I am so sorry this is shorter than my others but I wanted to get to post since I don't really post much anymore \(;^;)/ dont kill me plz

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