Chapter 1: A Normal Day

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This is the edited version of Chapter 1, this is completely different as I'm actually going to 'follow' plot instead of just winging it :^)))) )

Chapter 1: A Normal Day

      A girl slept in her bed as they dreamed about, the greatest things in life as in fresh air and her friends. Her name was (Name) (L/Name) who had (H/C) (H/L), she as per usual on this supposed friday was sleeping in, a little too late.

     "(Name)! Get up!" a voice shouted, indicating that the girl indeed needed to wake up and get ready now, or she'll be late. Said girl groaned and sat up in her bed, looking around the stone walled room and wooden oak floorboards, as they were recently polished.

      The girl hopped out of bed and made her way to her closet getting the (F/C) shirt and black pants, as it was pretty much a uniform they had to wear going to school, you had to wear a polo on top of any color and black pants. The girl sat down on her messed up bed and began fiddling with her hair.

      Once that was taken cared of she got the rest of her outfit ready and hastily made her bed, got her book bag and shoes and set them by the door for when she would depart. "Take your good 'ol time," her mother called, as (Name) sighed.

       Her mom gave her, her plate of food and she began eating after saying a thank you, her father was already gone to work as he worked in one of the worst jobs you could probably imagine. The Survey Corps.

       "I see dad left without a goodbye... again." (Name) sighed, the girl ought to be used to it by now, but she really wasn't. After the thoughts she had, she finished eating put the dish in the sink and went to the bathroom to do the normal routine.

        "Bye mom!" (Name) called out as her bookbag and shoes were on and she was walking out the door. "Be safe, love you!" her mom then called back, as the girl was already out the door.


       'Finally in hell,' (Name) thought as they were looking down at the rocky tan pebble walkway, only to bump into someone. "I'm sorry!" (Name) said panicking "Oh hey Armin," was later her response when she noticed who she ran into.

       "Hey (Name) it's alright, you seem lost in thought you alright?" Armin inquired looking at his friend in front of him she only looked at him and nodded "I'm fine, are you alright you did fall after all." (Name) said as Armin smiled "I'm fine." was his reply.

       "That's good, don't know what would happen with a certain someone" (Name) nudged Armin's arm playfully smirking. Only for him to go running off to find Eren and pretend as if she harmed him.

        It was always an inside joke with the two, whenever the both of them teased each other they ended up telling another one of their closest friend who was in the group to go play 'tattle tale'. It was just something they always did. But after all there were in seventh grade, and they should probably stop but they decided 'eh why not, got to have fun sometimes after all'.

       (Name) just laughed while she walked into the school building the cold air hitting her in the face, but soon warmed up to a comfortable temperature, once warm she headed to the second floor to her locker to put books away she didn't need, and get the books she will need.

       "(Name)! Hi!!!" a boy yelled, a familiar voice named Eren was running down the hall Mikasa in tow as Armin was casually walking while he had a book out. "Hey, Eren." (Name) waved as she closed the small gray colored locker.

      "Soooo, why did you hurt Armin?" Eren asked with the utmost dead face he could give off, (Name) looked at Armin and chuckled as she knew he made a stop to the library before going to get Eren and Mikasa.

      (Name) just put a peace sign up laughing "No reason." she said as Eren sighed already done with this conversation. At that the bell rang signalling for the first period of class to begin, and at that it was going to be the start of a long but hopefully fun day.  

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