Chapter 49: Trouble In The Inner Wall

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It had been a while since you and Eren had been dating two months to be exact, you were going to go on a date tomorrow with him to celebrate the two months, but it was going to be postponed because once Levi and Erwin called you into the meeting room along with all the other members of the Scouting Legion you knew something was going down. . . Badly.

"The Military are in need of our assistance, a female titan, Annie Leonhardt( idk how to spell it). She is putting up a fight with the Military Police, we leave in ten." Ewrin's loud voice boomed while he waved his hand to dismiss everyone.

After five minutes you were all set your stuff on your horse, while you were just getting on top of (h/n).

"Lets go!" Erwin called out, he would tell us the plan once we got there, while we were with the Military Police so he didn't need to repeat his orders.


Once the long trip was over we went to the M.P HQ to discuss the plan later on knowing that Eren, Mikasa, Armin and I were to lead Annie to the underground tunnel and make her turn there since she apparently escaped that crystal some how. Once she went down to the underground we would capture her and study her then lock her up for the mass destruction she did the our team.

When we lead Annie to the deep grey cold stairs to go the underground, we walked a few steps only for Annie to stay there a look of terror on her face, seeming she is knowing what we are doing "I'm not going down there" she says angrily as Eren walks up to her and Mikasa goes into his face telling him no. "Come on Annie, why are you so scared of the Underground?" Armin asked "I know what you are doing." she said as her hand came up to her face as she flicked her ring cutting her finger and turning her into a titan.

The roof of the cold grey area started to crumble the stone falling in places only for Eren to turn into a titan and chase after Annie.

(Something like what you see on the gif <3)

We completely loss where the two went.

Once we found them again Annie had once again gotten into a crystal.

"Eren!" I ran up to him to cut him out, once cutting him out his titan body fell and his unconscious body was now in my arms carrying him, then I looked around to see a lot of destruction.

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