Chapter 51: The End is Coming.

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I have literally forgotten a lot of shit about this book, like are you a titan shifter or in a relationship with Eren, it's been a fucking while, and with my mental health i'm like a total hot mess over here. So sorry! I plan on having about 10 more chapters or less than that.


It was many weeks later Annie still in her crystal and the Military Police cleaned up the town in wall Sina, but as for the Scouting Legion they were having to go on another expedition, the 58th annual expedition, there goal this time was to kill as many titans as possible all while trying to explore the vast lands that the titans roam about.

''Oi! (y/n)." a males voice called out to me as I was packing my bag that was on my horse (h/n), I turn around to the familiar short guy known as my brother ''What's up?'' I asked my older brother corporal ''Please be safe and don't be reckless. You know I care about family and no one else really''Levi stated nonchalantly, ''No problem Heichou.'' I say smiling he does his normal 'tch' then leaves to go on his horse. ''(y/n)'' a familiar males voice sounds through my ears ''Yes Eren?" I ask him "Be safe please, I love you (y/n) I don't want to lose you." Eren spoke softly as he gave me a kiss on the cheek and left to go get his horse ready "Love you too, please be safe...''


"LET THE 88TH EXPEDITION COMMENCE!" Erwin roared out, while the gates started to rise, and the bystanders screamed angry and hurtful words to us, like 'They are wasting our money!' 'They could all die and won't get any closer to the titans extinction' or 'Hope they all die by the titans' these people are stupid and utterly disgusting people, lets see how they would do if they were to be doing this job, I don't see them running around in gear and uniform fighting titans.

AS the wall raised we got ready, once it was high enough we all went out in our long time travel formation, I was placed under Levi's squad once again under his watch, he had requested that I did instead of going to Hanji, Mike or Erwin, he wanted to make sure I was safe as usual, he knew Mikasa could take care of herself, he knew I could to, but he didn't want to let me die seeing as though I got bullied and I'm the youngest and closest to him than Mikasa.

"Titans on the left!" Eld yelled out, as we neared the forest of big ass trees as Levi liked to call it, "Oi, Gunther take the three eight meters out, Petra take out the one ten meter one!" Levi shouted out as we were halfway from the forest and titans "Hai!" Petra and Gunther yelled as they went off to kill the titans.

(yeah I know Levi's squad should be dead but i was like fuck it they are gonna live, for now. . . >:3 :p)


After the five hours we all managed to kill three hundred and fifty titans while having thirty casualties, it was getting dark so we all headed to the abandoned shack out near the walls, I hoped down from my horse to stretch and help set up things, by now the titans are gonna get tired and sleep since the light seems to activate them like solar toys that only work on solar energy.

"Oi! (y/n)." Olou called out "Hm?" I ask "Get inside you need to sleep, these are Levi Heichou's commands," Olou snapped as I saluted and went inside after setting up the small section we had for our squad, oh boy how tired I was, it was extremely dark even having the moon and stars didn't help and the fire that was outside helped none as well, after stumbling I finally found where I was sleeping and climbed into the sleeping bag, hitting the pillow and falling sleep instantly.


Upon waking up we all ate, and got ready for the day ahead of us, we were going to kill more titans before dark and go back to the walls "Move out!" Erwin shouted as we got in position with our squads and flanks, as we got into formation and headed out there was a mass of small and large titans coming straight forward to us.

"LEVI LOOK OUT!" I screamed as I pushed him and his horse out of the way of the titans foot all while not getting hurt, I switched to my gear and went to slice the neck using a spin only for me to slip on the wire and landing making my ankle twist into a certain sickening way.

"FUCKKK!" I yelled as I fell while slicing the nape of the thirty meter class titan.

"(Y/n)!!" Levi and Eren shouted as they watched me kill five other titans, "Assist the other flanks with killing this mob of titans!" Levi ordered as I got back down to my horse "Hai Corporal!" everyone shouted as they left, leaving me alone, with my horse and myself.

"How I wish the titans would just die already." I mumbled as blood was flying in the air with the earth shaking from all the fallen titan bodies and titan feet moving about.

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