Chapter 43: Scouting Legion Training~ 3DMG

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"Eren do you have a fever?" she asked standing up, I shook my head no but she already had the back of her hand on my forehead "Your not burning up. . ." She mumbled, I blushed more because she was acting like my mom, and she did that a lot.

"I'm fine." I say smiling she nodded and went back to laying on the bed.

"It's getting dark, you should get to bed." I tell her as I stood up, she nodded "Goodnight Eren." she mumbled her (h/c) (h/l) hair falling in her face while her (e/c) eyes were covered by her eyelids hiding the beautiful sparkling shade of (e/c), her eyes were pretty amazing.

"Good night (y/n)" I said before walking out of her infirmary room, closing the brown wooden door behind me and going to my own room to catch up on sleep.


~Your POV~

Eren is acting, strange, he has been flustered all around me, I like him and I'm not like that.

I was able to leave the infirmary but of course Levi didn't want me walking on my foot although it was healed, I left the my room and heard chattering being a curious cat (a saying), I hid behind a corner hearing into their loud conversation, they were describing  my best friend. . .

"Eren, is a young man of average height and build. He has a fairly long, yet rounded face, and sizable, expressive teal-green. His eyebrows are sparse and often furrowed, making him seem troubled or annoyed. His hair is short and dark brown, with his bangs falling naturally into a middle-parted curtain-type style. His complexion also seems somewhat more tan in comparison to other characters. After his training and during his time as a soldier, he becomes very physically fit and muscular, often unseen through his baggy clothing. Really cute looking." the female voice said, obviously she had a crush on him.

"Still don't know him. . ." another females voice spoke, the first female sighed annoyingly.

I decided I had enough and I walked off to the dining hall since it was near breakfast time.

I went inside and got my tray consisting of eggs, bread and juice, like normal. I saw Mikasa and went up to sit next to her I was using one crutch for right now, tomorrow I was getting my cast off. "Hey (Y/n)" Mikasa said smiling and giving me a hug "Hey sis!" I smiled back happily. Eren came over and sat down in front of me, I looked at him and smirked he looked at me in confusion "Morning to you too." He said sarcastically "You have crushes Eren." I laughed he had a look of even more confusion "Who?" he asked me "I don't know there names. . ." I say sighing he nodded and we all continued to eat our breakfast.

The day went by hearing 'aw I'm sorry' and 'Get better soon!' I swear it got annoying after thirty minutes of everyone saying the same thing constantly, I had to take an easy during training due to Corporal brother Levi, he is such an over protective brother. I had to use a dummy for a sparing partner!

~Time skip to after getting the cast off~

"I can finally feel my leg!" I yelped cheerfully

I ran down to the training grounds and grabbed my 3DMG to train, we were learning the Scouting Legion course of the gear, that is going to be fun!

I strapped on the hell items known as the harness belts, then put my 3DMG on, making sure it tightly snug not wanting to fall mid air at a high height and at a fast pace.

We were getting instructed when I reached the field, others coming along behind me, I saluted and stood in a line, like the other day. They told us to attack the wooden titan figures and cut the nape of the neck which is leather and tried to get as many as you can before the green flare is shot for the ending of the course.

They launched a green flare signalling that we are to start, I ran at a fast speed then switched to using my gear, it is quite fun using it making you feel like a bird letting it achieve freedom.

I saw a titan and it looked like Eren had his mind on the titan as well I smirked and raced forward cutting the nape perfectly beating Eren to it "See you next time slow poke!" I called out with a wider smirk.


As I cut the last nape the green flare shot up in the what used to be baby blue sky that is now orange, red, purple, pink and blue sky. We were now finished the training, I had cut seventy seven napes on the titan dummy's can't wait to see their faces! They will be shocked at the most! I headed back to the group and got down a smile on my face.

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