Chapter 27: Training

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As you all walked to the training grounds you heard commander Shadis say gather into pairs. Eren went with Annie, you were with Mikasa, Jean was with Marco, Sasha was with Connie, Armin was with Christa, Ymir and Bertholdt, and Reiner with Thomas.

Eren had gotten beaten by Annie and you ran up to Eren to help him up Annie then challenged you to fight her, which you agreed to.

Every had gathered around as you and Annie gotten into your fighting stances.

You had an evil smirk in your eye, Annie made the fist move, she had her fist heading for your face, you swiftly grabbed her wrist and judo flipped her over your shoulder and onto the ground, she got up rather quickly and tried to kick your feet, only for you to move out of the way, she tried to punch your stomach, which only resulted into you dodging and going up behind her, you kicked her in the back, she fell face first into the dirt, you punched her face twice, and she was down for good.

Everyone's eyes were wide, Reiner and Bertholdt got pissed and decided to challenge you to a two on one, you accepted, with your evil smirk,  they thought on how hard you went on Annie you would be tired, they were wrong!

They both aimed for your stomach with their fists, which only resulted on getting flipped to the side and them gripping their wrist, they got up and tried to kick the back of your knees, only for them to kick each other since you stepped forward, they both ran to from the left and right you jumped in the air and grabbed the sturdy tree branch that was above making them both run into each other causing them both to fall, and get knocked out.

You jumped down from the tree branch and Shadis was even staring at you wide eyed, everyone stood frozen in shock, even your friends were shocked just not as much as the people you didn't know, since you felt uncomfortable with the staring you ran off super fast.

 (sonic gotta go fast!)

You climbed a oak tree and sat down on one of the highest sturdiest branches there was, you felt like crying due to the fact everyone was just standing and staring.


~~~Your POV~~~

I was in school and getting teased by a boy, for being so called "weak." so my twelve year old self judo flipped him over my shoulder, my (h/c) hair covered me (e/c) hues, I ran off crying only to hear a voice calling my name, I continue to run I ended up going into the girls locker room in our school, I ran to the furthest corner from the door sat down pulled my knees up to my chest hid my face in my knees and began to cry.

The door soon opened and foot prints were heard all over the locker room walls until they stopped.

"(y/n)! What did you do!?" a familiar girl voice ask "Everyone calls me 'weak' compared to you and Levi and I-I proved everyone wrong!" I said sniffling and crying.

"Well they retards, for thinking that your just as strong as us! maybe even stronger." Mikasa spoke in a soothing voice and hugged me.

Mikasa helped me through the pain I went through, when I got back to my class, luckily Mikasa was in it, everyone looked at me wide eyed, and frozen stiff which made me run out the room, Mikasa following me and Levi got excused from his class to help.

~End of Flashback~

"(y/n)! (y/n)!" a voice said waving a hand in my face, I shook my head "Wha?" I asked "Jeez had me startled there!" Eren spoke "How did you know where I was, and how did you get up here?" I asked dumbfounded.

"I climbed, and I knew you would be in a tree. . ." Eren chuckled "Touche." I said "Why did you run? are you okay?" Eren asked I nodded "It was just a flash back I had when I was a kid. . . Kind of an instant. . . I am fine." I said smiling Eren nodded "Okay. . . Well we should get back, the group is worried." Eren said getting down from the tree. "Okay." I said and jumped down from the tree swinging on to branch after branch.

Leaving Eren in the tree, I laughed at him being slow "come on you slow poke! Or are you a sloth." I giggled "I AM NOT A SLOTH!!" Eren yelled and eventually got down from the tree "Took you years to get down!" I spoke exaggerating "Oh please." Eren chuckled and punched my arm playfully, I stuck my tongue out playfully making a face making the both of us laugh.

"Your a goof." Eren told me I bowed "Why thank you. Not as much as you though!" I spoke a smirk on my face "Touche!" Eren laughed, I joined in.

We walked toward where our friends were, considering today's training was over, we were sitting outside under a willow tree in a circle talking.

I froze a moment looking at the tree, seeing mother father, Levi, Mikasa and I running around and having flower crowns on.

I shook my head at the thought and continued on and sat next to Mikasa and Armin "You okay sis?" Mikasa asked me her grey eyes narrowing at Eren to see if he did anything mean "I am fine." I said she went back to her normal expressionless face and nodded.

We talked a lot Connie kept making food jokes and Sasha kept laughing as usual she was also eating her potato, everything was fine until a man came.

"(y/n), Mikasa, someone wishes to speak with you." A man said with that a man came out of the shadows, the uniform, the crest, the green cape, his green eyes, his pink mouth, his black hair, it was my father.

I got up and ran to him Mikasa had wide eyes and got up walking to him "How are my kiddos?!" my father chuckled, giving Mikasa and I a tight hug "Better now knowing you are alive!" I stated Mikasa nodded "Survey Corps?" Mikasa asked as we broke the hug, dad nodded "Where's mum?" I asked "Expedition. We have different squad leaders, sadly. But the two squad leaders are close friends so we get to go by every other day." my dad laughed Mikasa and I just nodded

"I love you and I got to run! Take care!" my father yelled into the distance "Bye! Be careful!" Mikasa and I yelled in unison.

"Jinx" Mikasa and I said in unison

"Jinx again!" We both said again

"Triple Jinx!" we both said in unison once again

I ran over to the tree and knocked on the wood "Knock on wood!" I said with a smirk and rolled her eyes and we sat back down and talked like we had been doing before.

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