Chapter 10: Music Reliever

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(A/n dont play the song till I tell you :3)

----Armin's P.O.V----

"Yeah that's the song for the Recon Corps." Eren whispered to me he was also in complete awe. I nodded and heard the song come to a end, but she had her fingers on the black and white keys ' Is she going to play another song? ' I thought as I heard some sniffles coming from the (h/c) haired girl.

----Eren's P.O.V----

' Why did they have to yell at her? Why couldn't they just be happy for her? ' as I was thinking I had placed a frown on my face they looked at me confused but they practically read my mind knowing I was thinking of our friends yelling at her. I got snapped out of my thoughts when I saw her place her fingers back on the piano keys.


Play song here <( ~ w ~ )/


-----Third Person P.O.V----

Your fingers danced around the white keys creating a sad but tuneful melody it sounded lovely, everyone stared in awe but it was not as much awe as before, it sounded like some of the same notes before over and over, after a little while the song got high at parts but sounded so lovely and peaceful as your hands danced over the keys creating a perfect harmony and tune, at parts it sounded like your ears would bleed from the high pitches of the piano but it was a pretty high pitch. After going from a high part you repeated the beginning again going back to its medium high-low state going high low back and forth on the black and white keys, the song was your inspiration for joining the recon Corps.

Day by day
We have lost our edge
Don't you know?
Forgotten is the life we led
Now it seems
You don't care what the risk is
The peaceful times have made us blind

Can't look back
They will not come back
Can't be afraid
It's time after time
Once again
I'm hiding in my room
The peaceful times have made us blind

So you can't fly if you never try
You told me...Oh, Long ago
But you left the wall
Outside the gate
So more than ever, it's real

It was like a nightmare
It's painful for me
Because nobody wants to die too fast
Remember the day of grief
Now it's strange for me
I could see your face
I could hear your voice

Remember the day we met
It's painful for me
Because nobody wants to die too fast
Remember a day we dreamt
It's painful for me
I could see your face
I could hear your voice

Song for the reluctant heroes
Oh Give me your strength
Our life is so short
Song for the reluctant heroes
I wanna be brave like you
From my heart

as you played the piano you sang at the times you were supposed to sing, matching the songs chords, notes, and pitches it sounded like the gate way to heaven it was peaceful and meaningful your hands danced around the keys making it a really live feeling in your hands.

As the song came to and end along with your singing you sat there staring at the wall trying not to cry, your friends who yelled at you broke you.

After minutes of sitting at the piano as the song ended you got engulfed by a pair of arms, you couldn't see who it was.

----Levi's P.O.V----

Her playing the piano and singing the song 'Guren No Yumiya' the anthem for the Recon Corps, I almost fell down, 'How did she know that song?! ' I thought as I heard her singing and playing the piano it was so nice to here it, I looked at everyone they stood in complete awe and sadness for hurting their friend, 'Serves them right.' I closed my eyes and hummed the melody, I knew how to play a bit of the piano but that, that was hardcore piano playing right there.

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