Chapter 26: Twister Night

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You all had played Twister for thirty minutes, you got out so you were able to spin the spinner for everyone "Left hand yellow" you said Jean groaned "Well damn!" Jean stated once he placed his hand on yellow he fell and was in an awkward position.

 His face was in Eren's ass, which made you burst out laughing due to Jean's reaction "Wow Jean you really are gay." you said laughing, "I AM NOT GAY (l/n)!" Jean whisper yelled not wanting to get the corporal angered. "right hand blue." you said, Jean got up and sat next to you sighing, you couldn't help but keep laughing.

Armin got out this time "Left foot red." you called out it looked like they were a human pretzel. "That looks really. . . Weird. . ." Armin said Jean was laughing so much he fell off the bed and did a face plant which made everyone laugh, making the two fall "Well damn! It was a tie thanks to horse-face." Eren said getting up and helping Mikasa.

"(y/n), you okay you look like your going to die!" Jean said, you were curled up in a ball holding your stomach it was in pain from laughing so damn much and you were crying because of the laughter "I'm. . . i'm fine." you said taking deep breathes to BREATHE and calm the fuck down!

"Okay." Armin said with a smile, you eventually calm down and it was not time for everyone to get to bed. "i'll pack it up." You said getting up and putting the game away, everyone climbed into bed, you got the game in its box, and put it on the shelf and crawled into bed "Night everyone." you five said to everyone "night horse face." Eren said which made you giggle, along with Mikasa, you heard a groan from Jean.


~~~Your POV~~~~

I was in a field with my family

my father, mother, Levi and Mikasa, I was running around with Levi and Mikasa playing tag.

Mikasa was wearing a navy blue shirt with white shorts and black shoes, Levi wore a red shirt with brown khakis and blue shoes, mom wore a pink blouse and denim jeans and flip flops, father wearing a green long sleeve shirt and black cargo pants and sandals, I was wearing a (f/c) top and (f/c) knee length shorts and (f/c) running shoes.

 Mom and dad were sitting  under a willow tree, we were in a flower field on the outskirts of the wall and our town Shiganshina. There was blue, white, pink, purple, and yellow flowers, and many different kinds. 

"(y/n) come here for a moment please!" dad called from under the tree, "Coming!" I giggled Levi and Mikasa stopped running since I wasn't in the game right now I guess, "turn around and sit down sweetie." mom told me I nodded and did as I was told only to feel someone getting placed on my head.

"A flower crown!?" I asked with happiness, dad chuckled at me mom smiled "Yep!" dad told me patting my head, missing where the flower were placed, I smiled and gave them a hug "I love you mom, dad." I said. 

I was six at the time Mikasa and Levi were seven, Mikasa had gotten a flower crown from mom and dad made Levi a bracelet knowing Levi. 

Then after running around I got lost from the family and everything started fading into nothing

~End of Dream~

"(y/n)!! (y/n)!!! Wake up!" I was getting yelled at by a female voice, I woke up "Huh!?" I sat up quickly feeling my cheeks wet, when I rubbed my (e/c) eyes. "time to wake up. . . and why are you crying?" Mikasa asked sitting down on the bed, I shook my head "It was a dream, it was nothing, I'm okay!" I said smiling and got up "the guys are already outside. . ." Mikasa said getting up.

I went to the bathroom and got changed into the uniform, wearing a white polo shirt, white pants, the brown boots and jacket, with all the straps. After I was done I brushed my hair and put it in a braid (if ya can :P) and went outside Mikasa was waiting for me "Ready sis." Mikasa asked "yeah Mika." I said we both laughed.

We walked outside to the usual Eren and Jean fighting "You two!" I said running to them "my gosh guys stop fighting already, you sound like a old married couple!" I stated pulling them apart "Why is it when the girls aren't here you guys are like this?" Armin asked curious "I'm pretty sure I know the reason with Jean. . ." i said sighing.

"Oi! what is it then?!" Jean asked narrowing his eyes at me I whispered in his ear his eyes widened "Knew it!" I said smiling and laughing at his reaction "How d-did you know!?" Jean whisper yelled "You are oblivious to the way you act! It was totally obvious!!!" I said laughing, we all walked to the mess hall together "Grr!" jean said.

We all sat down and talked while eating not with our mouths full, because we have manners unlike a few people here.

After eating breakfast and putting our dishes away we headed out to the training grounds for hand to hand combat.

"This is going to be very. . . interesting." Mikasa said "Yep!" Eren and I stated then laughed.

"Jinx!" we said in unison

"Jinx again!" we said in unison again

"Jinx triple!" we said in unison once again

I ran to the wooded frame of a cabin "knock on wood." I said and smirked

Eren just laughed along with the others I joined in laughing as well and we continued our way to the training grounds talking and laughing the whole way.

(Here is a short chapter I guess :3 I didn't update for two days! > n < I know I am sorry!!! *gives cookie*)

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