Chapter 41: Regenerating

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Shouldn't I have regenerated already?

I shook it off, I probably am right now? My leg does feel really hot, like burning alive in a fire hot.

"Okay. . ." I say as I stood up, not feeling pain or anything "You should continue to rest brat." Levi says more like orders me, I sigh and lay back down, it was no use arguing with him, seeing as he is older than me and my corporal brother.

"How are you feeling though (Y/n)?" Hanji asks concern evident in her voice "Tired, I don't feel pain anymore, I think I regenerated my apparently broken bone." I reply with a small yawn. I really was tired, sparring with Eren takes the energy out of you, he is like Hanji in a way, so dam energetic.

"Okay." Hanji replies "Well gets some rest." Eren states before Armin and the others leave for me to get some rest and relax by myself in the infirmary room, it was so small, tan walls with cold stone floors, making the room a bit chilly. I grab the blanket that's at the end of the bed and snuggle up with it making me warmer as it lays on top of my bed sheets on the bed, the warm embrace of darkness soon consumes my tired (e/c) eyes once again ladling me into a deep abyss of slumber.


~Levi's POV~

(shocker right xD)

(Y/n) is always getting hurt, but I am indeed proud of her getting stronger and her being able to fight, she has grown up so much where has the time gone?

(A/N *cough* *cough* cliche moment *cough*)

I was sitting in the dining hall eating at the usual table I have with my squad, Petra, Oluo(Aruou?), Eld and Gunther. We had soup and bread for dinner tonight, well basically ever night, and tea, I loved my tea black (black as my soul) with nothing in it just regular.

Hanji over here has been talking non stop about he titan experiments if this doesn't stop I think i'm going to go insane.

I let out an irritated sigh "Shut up four-eyes." I say she only gave a pout and went to go do more experiments, does she ever go a day without doing experiments honestly, even when we were on vacation to be with our families and or friends all she did on her free time besides hanging out with us was do experiments.

I was in my usual spot, drinking and being a stoic bastard like I always am, I take a sip of my tea and listen to my squads and friends chatter "Eld? Gunther? Do you like (Y/n) or something?" Petra asks as she noticed that they were not paying attention which was surprising considering they liked to chat, a lot. "No!" they both said in unison, tch. "We think of her as a little sister is all." Eld explained, they always did help her when she was struggling with something much like her other friends would.

"Aw~!" Petra smiles happily, they both facepalmed I set my cup of tea down "Why are you brats talking about my sister?" I ask, I already knew the answer I just wanted to see what would happen.


~Eren's POV~

I've been worrying about (y/n) I know she can regenerate and all but still! Maybe soon I do need to talk to her. . . about my feelings I do have fore her, I started to think of ways to tell her while eating, I didn't happen to notice myself blushing till Armin spoke up.

"Eren, why is your face red?" Armin spoke, with slight amusement "no reason." I say casually, "mhm, sure, it's (Y/n) isn't it?" He asked me  my eyes widened and my pink cheeks were burning now like fire. "maybe." I reply Armin only chuckled he knew I had a crush on her since we were little!

I got up and disposed of my now empty bowl of soup, and cup of what was water but now nothing, as I walked to the kitchen I heard what seemed like Petra's voice or well snippets.


"Gunther, Eld.--"

"like (Y/n)?" 

My heart felt like needles were stabbing it nonstop.


"--Like sister.--" I heard one of them say as I quickly put the dishes in the sink and roan out of the mess hall going to (Y/n)'s room in the infirmary, wanting to talk to her.

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