Chapter 38: Cleaning and Memories

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~Your POV~

The castle was huge, but what should we expect, the superiors stay here, and the veterans people older than Erwin!

I took my jacket off and put my bandanna on my head and one on my face to prevent smelling the stinky chemicals, I was assigned to clean the top floor aka, the superior floor with Eren, this shall be fun!

~Time Skip to after cleaning~

(A/N: I was to lazy xD and uhm it would be a boring ass description considering they were basically cleaning and talking. :P)

When we got done cleaning I was tired, having to scrub till the floors, walls, windows, anything was spotless Eren was just as exhausted "lets go tell Heichou!" I say tired and eagerness in my voice, all I wanted to do right now was eat, and sleep. 

Eren nodded and was blushing? Okayyy. . . .

After going downstairs to the floor below us we found Levi, "Corporal Levi we are finished cleaning the top floor!" I say saluting my brother Eren doing the same.

"Okay, I will check and you don't need to be doing the formal shit sis." Levi says emotionally before walking out and patting my head, I nodded and he left to go check upstairs.

Petra, she was casually cleaning with the broom in the corner pink on her cheeks, whats her deal, no more importantly what is everyone's deal and having PINK CHEEKS today?

Petra and Eren were having a conversation while I looked out the window, this room had a pretty nice view minus the walls, if only they were here, it would have been so much prettier!

"(Y/n) your side isn't shit, glad you still know how to clean properly, and Eren you need to redo the last part near the windows it's shit over there." Levi said Eren groaned and headed back upstairs, I laughed quietly.

Eren came back down and told Levi, he went upstairs once again and was pleased with his work, luckily, or Eren would just flip a table over here, "Where will our rooms be at?" Eren asked, good thing I did I was curious.

"Its a dungeon like room, it's not quite a dungeon but it's protected like one, so if one of you were to turn you would be kept in that room, much like the dungeon." Levi explained, "Hai." Eren and I replied.

The sun was getting lower and it was signalling dinner time was near or now.

Jean and I walked down considering we were chatting till he got hungry I laughed the whole entire time till he slapped my arm, making me playfully glare.

We entered still chatting away, it was loud but not that loud, Jean spotted the group, Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Ymir, Christa, Connie, and Sasha. Levi, Petra, and Hanji sat down right as we picked up our spoons to eat our soup and bread.

"You change your mind like a--" Connie sung, until Sasha interrupted him "--a potato~" 

the table we were sitting out puffed out their cheeks trying so hard not to laugh loudly or at all, but the attempts were terrible, as we all bursted into fits of laughter, Levi just chuckled for a few seconds and went back to his normal facade.

Due to the loudness, Alouo(Olou?), Eld, and Gunther came over curious to what the fuck happened to us at the table.

"Uhhhh?" Eld asked confused "Tch." Olou stated 'Pfffttt. . . . Trying to act like my brother aye? ' I thought ""Sorry were we to loud?" I asked the three males standing in front of us they all nodded "You seem to have some fun friends, (Y/n) right?" Gunther asked I nodded and smiled "Yep, you are right Gunther!" I said smiling the three males sat down at our table.

We all made jokes, laughed, and talked the whole time till the higher up announced it was our curfew meaning get your young asses to bed and go to sleep.

We all got up and headed to our rooms saying 'Good nights' to one another before heading inside fully into our rooms, I changed into my (F/c) short sleeved button up shirt and (F/c) shorts, they were so comfy to sleep in, I brushed my hair and teeth and jumped into bed, seconds later after my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.


I woke up from a pillow hitting m face only to get up and see Levi was  the cause of it "Morning sleepy head." Levi chuckled "What. . . time is it?" I ask sleep evident in my voice "five am." Levi said, my (E/c) orbs widened "Nuh-uh!" I say, sitting completely up and awake.

"Did you forget what day it was. . .?" Levi said amused, I wracked my brain for answers, which was still tired, my eyes widened at the realization, it was my eighth birthday! "Ohhhh!!" I say yawning Levi patted my head before leaving he stopped at the door way "Get ready, we are going somewhere little brat." He announced before stepping out of my room and closing the door.

I walked over to my closet and picked out a dress, it was floral high low dress with a black top (image) and changed into it, I had my hair in a beach waves with a black floral bow on the back of my head holding some (H/c) hair, I wore my wedges and went downstairs.

With the lights turned off, "huh?" I mumble to myself. . .

moments later everyone pops up yelling 'Surprise!'

I was crying tears of joy, everyone was there!

Armin, Hanji, Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Marco, Levi, Petra, Sasha and Connie.

~End of dream~


I managed to actually update a day later

 and on a school day no less!!!!!

I feel proud and accomplished! :D

Sorry if it is quite short ;m;

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