Chapter 47: Returning Home

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She escaped now she is trying to kill us! great! Levi got pissed and he cut her up really good, he neck was covered by her hand but when he got her arm she took it away, only for a rock crystal to form around her neck, what the hell!?

After a while she was crying and I turned into a titan to see if I can get that bitch out of her titan form.

We ended up fighting till she got tired, when she got tired, I ripped the back of her neck after setting her unconscious body on the ground she turned into a crystal, I then blacked out a little later.


~Mikasa's POV~

I cut (y/n) out of the titan after she got Annie out, I'm glad that no one in her flank died yet, they were like  siblings to her, and me well Petra was to me since we known each other.

I carried (Y/n) over to a cart with wounded people, I know she isn't wounded but she had all her energy drained from fighting Annie? I don't even know it's her, but those blue eyes look really and oddly familiar, where did I see those eyes before?


I got on my horse, so we cold leave and head back to the walls after our I guess successful mission.

A green flare was shot signalling we are starting to leave and get in position.

~Eren's POV~

I hope (Y/n) will be okay, the fact that she turned into her titan form, I could of done it, but everyone was yelling at me not to, how is that fair? But they did have faith in her with things so I guess I can see there point. 

If we both get home back inside the walls I have a question I have been longingly and pushing back deep in my brain to ask (y/n).

I have never gotten the chance to ask her is she would be my girlfriend. Since all we have been doing is doing training to lead up to this expedition. I sighed as I got on my  horse as we were heading off to go back home after hearing the flare that came two minutes after getting on my light brown horse.

It was time to go home, and be protected by the gates, well for the people who think the walls will protect us forever.

~Time skip at the castle~

She should of woken up by now but she hasn't they told me to stop worrying but I can't help it that I'm worrying to much, I want-- no I need to ask her the question in this world it is better ow in the worse times then a good time that could turn bad in a matter of seconds.

~Your POV~

I awoke in my bed, I think it was comfy like a bed, I opened my eyes and I was indeed in my bed in the castle. I don't remember much of what happened on the expedition but oh well I'll ask later.

A knock came from my door but I stayed silent only to see Eren come inside a look of dread on his features.

What did happen during the expedition?


Sorry for it being so short.

I needed to update and wattpad is giving me stress with errors that keep popping up

I will not update this Friday as I am turning 14 on the 16th and will be celebrating.

And it is really early right now and i'm super tired

Thank you for understanding

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