Chapter 48: Confessions

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A knock came from my door but I stayed silent only to see Eren come inside a look of dread on his features.

What did happen during the expedition?


"Eren is everything okay?" you ask, Eren looked up and his eyes widened automatically at the sound of your precious voice "(Y/n)!!" Eren whisper yelled considering everyone was asleep.

"huh?" you asked confused "You've been out for a week for gods sake (y/n)!" Eren replied, your eyes widened "What!" you said almost screaming, Eren walked over and sat down on your bed, you were in your dark cold room, yet you couldn't feel any coldness or the mattress, you felt numb in a way.

Eren the leaned closer to you and planted his lips on your (l/c- lip color) lips kissing you, you were shocked but kissed back a little later, after a few minutes you both parted "(y/n) I love you. . ." Eren replied rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly blushing like a mad man, fortunately for Eren you couldn't see all that well due to the darkness.

"I love you too Eren. . . ." you say smiling, and kissing his cheek in the dark "Really?!" Eren asked shock and happiness in his voice "Yes Eren." you say blushing and smiling even more "What time is it?" you ask confused, you don't eve know the days apart from the weeks and time from being in your dreamless slumber.

"It's twelve am." Eren replied "Get some sleep. Everyone else is, well probably besides Levi, Erwin, Hanji and Mike." you say, Eren nods and gets up making the bed rise a bit, he kisses your forehead and you both exchange nights and he left to go to his room near yours.

You finally felt relieved that you told Eren you loved him, and it made you even happier that he loved you back! You were a jumping ball of joy in the inside but kept it concealed not wanting it to show to anyone else, but you know Armin will tell right away, since Eren and the way you would be acting it doesn't take a smart person like Sherlock to figure something happened last night.


You awoke the next morning, taking a shower since you didn't take one for two whole weeks!

you grabbed your clothes and a towel and headed to your bathroom to take a quick shower, after taking a shower you put your white polo shirt on, white pants and your tall knee length boots, you left your straps off since you guys only did three-dimensional moving gear on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays, and today was a Wednesday since Eren told you the other day what day it was.

You went down to the mess hall and ate, surprisingly no one was there, odd.

After finishing you got up went to the kitchen and put your dishes away and went outside to see if anyone was outside, no one. . . What happened to everyone? You checked all around the castle the high ranking superiors were the only people here besides you, what was happening? Did everyone else die? Questions whacked your brain only to get no answers, you just had to wait to see the outcome of what happened later.

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