Chapter 31: Final Evaluation and Graduation

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Your friends, trainee squad, and you are now a few days closer to going to the fraction of the military you want to be but before you can do that you are having to go through final evaluation, but for you your going through with it in a handicap, your arm still has that damned cast.

Your friends and yourself were heading to the training grounds and lining up into your rows and doing a proper salute as your commander came out "OKAY TODAY IS THE FINAL EVALUATION, AND IN A FEW DAYS WILL BE THE GRADUATION CEREMONY FOR YOU ALL!" Shadis yelled out, making some people flinch as for you, you were there standing like a rock, or a wall.

"you will be using your three-dimensional mover gear in the forest! You will be going into the forest and you will be doing the regular, slicing titans napes! You will also be finding the wooden daggers! When the smoke of the flare gun goes off you will start on your way!" Shadis announced

 You all saluted "Yes sir!" you all shouted, he nodded as he took the flare gun out of the cadet helpers hands, he loaded the gun and then covered his one ear that was facing the gun and shot the flare gun releasing green puffy smoke into the air.

With that you made a run for it, and lucky for you, you were very fast, even faster than Mikasa you were already in the front of your trainees squad and with that once you got to the opening you automatically went into your 3DMG mode.

You swinged from tree to tree at a fast paste and you weren't even using much gas as it was, you looked at the colorful trees, the reds, oranges, greens, yellows it was like a rainbow had been sprayed onto the giant trees.

you took a break on a high branch on one of the trees, going in the air at fast speeds can really be tiring sometimes, after your little break you saw something or importantly someone walking and a animal heading straight for the person. Making your way down to the person you pushed the out of the way not really seeing who it was.

As you did that you got attacked instead and the animal was a wild panda (XD sorry I was thinking of pig animals and that animal came into mind, if you have another animal in mind then put it :P) you then flipped the wild animal over it unfortunately went into a big tree but you didn't really mean to, you just wanted to throw it off of you, it then was going to get up its matted white and black fur now moving a little until it had passed out.

"What the hell (y/n)!" The voice said it sounded like a males, and you really didn't know who you helped so you looked at the person "Oi!" You said eyes widened you had helped Jean "What were you doing on the ground stupid!" You shouted at him "My gear broke. . ." Jean stated "Well then lets go." you scoffed grabbing Jean and headed to where you need to go, you were moving pretty fast even though you had another person with you.

Once you had made it you got a dagger for the both of you, not seeing the pile untouched you grew curious and worried but shrugged it off "Lets go." You said "Nah I rather walk back." Jean said, you were going so fast Jean thought he was going to fly and plummet back to earth like a meteor "suit yourself." you sighed as you ended up running to Jean and taking him with you, you were just going to drop him off half way.

"You know you were getting paler (y/n)!!!" Jean stated your shrugged it off and landed halfway to the clearing "eh?" you said confused you did feel pain in a few places but you had shooed it off as nothing to be concerned about as of right now.

"Yeah you are pale, like a ghost!" Jean shouted and with that you nodded but then ran off to go to the entrance of the forest you were in Jean following as well, until you switched to 3DMG mode and flied off to the entrance, but Jean just ran behind you.

When you made it to the entrance you made it a few steps out Jean now crouching over hands on his knees panting since he wanted to catch up to you just in case your body shut down and decided to fall.

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