Chapter 35: Reunion

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It was him, it was him, Levi he was well alive breathing and standing right in front of us,  I felt my eyes stinging only to know I was silently crying out of joy an relief.

Levi turned around to fully look at us his eyes widened when he saw Mikasa an I, but he quickly went to his stoic expression.

"I missed you two so damn much!" Levi said to Mikasa and I we both hugged back "We though you were dead bro! " I state and after a few minutes everything went black.

But before I lost my hearing I heard "I'm not risking any chances." And after that was said I was fully unconscious.


When I woke up Eren and I  were in a jail cell, more like a dudgeon with the way it looks, I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I heard mumbling and looked at the two people who were at the cell, Erwin was sitting in a chair on the left while Levi stood up next to him on his right, but Levi's stoic face was replaced with, sadness and guilt it was faint, but I was able to see it.

"Oh good your up," Erwin said with a smile I nodded and nudged Eren making him wake up "Ok, now that your both up, do you have any questions?" Erwin asked in a somewhat cheery someone solemn voice.

"U-uh where are we?" Eren asked with confusion, I nodded although I pretty much have a good guess to where the hell we are, "You are currently in the custody of the Military Police." Erwin explained to which we both nodded Levi just punched the wall "Levi are you okay?" I asked worried for my dear brother he didn't respond, I just nodded and looked at the floor.

"You will be having a trial later stating whether or not you get taken by the Military Police or by us the Scouting Legion." Erwin stated "What do you plan to do in the future?" Levi asked Eren and I "To join the scouting legion and kill every last on of those damned titans." Eren and I stated in unison.

Levi nodded and went back to where he was standing before, till we all heard yelling "YOUR TIMES UP!" the voice said, probably a MP.

~Time skip~

A crazy girl known as our bestie Hanji came looking crazy as ever, she was sad to have to do this to us I could tell, she held out the handcuffs that we would have to wear "You guys have to wear these safety measures." Hanji explained we nodded Hanji gave both of us a hug and I smiled brightly, Eren had a small smile.

We talked the whole way to the court room, when we got there the Military Police pushed us forward, we got into the white room and was to be placed in the center there were to poles "Kneel down!" one of the Military Police spoke harshly we did as told and the inserted the cold grey metal into the slots they were in before.

Levi, Hanji, Mikasa, and Armin had very worried faces who could blame them? We were in a fucking court room, having to go to court, who knows if we will live or die!



Today was my first day back to hell, I mean school.

also today was my dad's birthday 8-24-(##) you don't need to know the year. c:

Eren: It's okay author chan. School sucks

Horse face: That's not the only thing that sucks


Levi: *glares at Jean*

Eren: *rolls eyes* I rather be fighting titans or be in a titans mouth then have to go to school!

Armin: HEY!

Me: Same. . . 

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