Chapter 28: 3DMG

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(Because author chan is to freaking lazy to write they been doing the whole freaking 3 years)

~~~Eren's POV~~~

After months of different training abilities, we are finally getting to use the 3DMG, I can't wait getting to fly in the air and kill those bastard titans, but it comes with a price, if you are not careful you could get eaten by the titans.

"Are you guys excited!?" I asked jumping up and down in the cabin that Mikasa, Armin, (Y/n), Horse-face and I are in, (y/n) just laughed and nodded, Armin had a look of worried that I have gone crazy, Horse-face was still asleep along with Mikasa.

"it seems like it would be fun." (y/n) says as she gets down to wake her sister up "MIKA GET UP!" (y/n) says shaking her she got slapped, no one ever wakes up Mikasa, or Levi for that matter when they are sleeping "Well then. . ." (y/n) said holding the cheek she got slapped "You okay??" Armin asked as she stood up "Yep!" (y/n) said smiling, I knew it was forced, her (e/c) hues said it all.

Jean finally woke up, everyone was already in their uniforms, well besides the sleeping Mikasa, (y/n) sighed, and went back over to her sister feeling her forehead "What's wrong (y/n)?" I asked she shook her head "She's not sick. . . She's normally the first up." (y/n) said her (h/l) (h/c) falling in front of her face "Well training was intense yesterday." Jean spoke "Oh my gosh! It talks!" I said dramatically which made Armin and (y/n) laugh.

"Jean! Be her prince and kiss the princess!" Armin says (y/n) got up and pushed Jean to her. "Oi! You!" Jean said before he was mere inches away from Mikasa's face (y/n) got her phone out and recorded this "She will thank me later, or kill me. . ." (y/n) laughed "Probably kill you." I said but chuckled.

Jean kissed Mikasa and then Mikasa woke up with a What-the-hell? expression (y/n) was laughing at the face Mikasa made, which only made me laugh Jean ran out looking like a tomato "(y/n)!!" Mikasa said angrily "Oh crap!" (y/n) said getting up off the floor since she was laughing so much she then ran out the door.

I ran out as well she went and hid behind Sasha, I walked over to the group of friends.

~~~Your POV~~~

I hid with the group since everyone was in a little huddle, I explained what happened they all ooed silently thank gosh.

Sasha and Connie were talking non stop to each other, Jean's face wasn't a tomato anymore, Marco was talking with Jean, they look like a couple sometimes in all honesty so does Connie and Sasha, We left Armin with Mikasa but aye she has someone with her right now, I was talking with Eren, he seemed out of it today.

"Oi! Eren you okay?" I asked he nodded his head "Excitement for the 3DMG?" I asked he nodded his head viciously, he's acting like a kid on Christmas. I just nodded laughing "What?" Eren asked "Your acting like a five year old on Christmas." I say playfully punching his arm he made a face, and I punched his arm playfully again we both started laughing.

We all went to the cafeteria to eat, we all joked around and had fun till the bell ran signalling that we needed to clean up and get to the training grounds.

"GET INTO ORDER!" Shadis yelled at the training squad, Sasha, Connie, Mikasa, Eren, and I had to go up to do it first, Mikasa and I barley moved a muscle, Sasha was just sitting there moving her and there,  Connie moved more than Sasha and Eren had fallen upside down.

After we got down Eren was mad "Aw come one lighten up. . ." I told him pinching his cheeks like a grandmother would do "Oi!" Jean said looking at the two of us "What horse-face." Eren said angrily, I sighed "What is it Jean?" I asked trying to be polite and sighing at Eren's grumpiness.

"It's okay to feel mad, Eren but seriously." Jean said walking off, I sighed again and Armin came running over since he had gone after us "How did you do Armin?" I asked he gave a thumbs up I giggled "How about after everyone is done, we train, how does that sound Eren?" Armin asked he nodded "Thanks guys." Eren said smiling we both nodded our heads once and smiled.

After all the trainees left, including most of our friends, Eren, Armin, Mikasa and I were left.

"You ready?" Armin asked as he neared the lever "Ready!" Eren said and waited to get lifted of the ground.

~~~Eren's POV~~~

"You ready?" Armin asked as he neared the lever "Ready!" I said and waited to get lifted of the ground.  (Y/n) has a hopeful yet worried expression on her face I can't blame her, Mikasa has no expression like normal, and I can't see Armin so I don't know his.

As I got lifted off the ground I did it for ten seconds before hitting my head really hard on the ground, I felt I was getting lowered down, then I got picked up bridal style, greatttt. . . .then I was taken to the infirmary luckily it wasn't far.

After we got there the nurse came out, told Mikasa to put me down in a chair Armin explained the nurse nodded and walked off getting an ice-pack and some bandages I am guessing, the nurse seemed like she didn't want to be here at all.

The nurse rapped my head, which hurt a lot, then she handed me the ice pack, we all went out of the infirmary and went to the cafeteria to eat dinner. (Y/n) still had the look of worried on her face I couldn't blame her, then an idiot decided to say something.

"Wow, can't even work a 3dmg, and he says he wants to kill on the titans. . . tch" a male said, (Y/n) stood up angry "(y/n) just calm down." Armin said only our table heard it though "Shut it asshole." (y/n) said staring at the dude. "Oh am I supposed to be scared of some chick. . .!" he says pretending to be frightened.

(y/n) got up from the seat and walked over to him, she stood right in front of him, his eyes stated that he was indeed scared of her 'Stupid never mess with the Ackerman's. . .! ' I thought as I looked at the guy (Y/n) had judo flipped him "You were saying?" (y/n) stated acting innocent 'Aw how cute. . . Wait whoa what!? ' I thought as she walked back over then commander Shadis came in, 

"What is all the ruckus!?" the commander yelled Mikasa raised her hand "Sasha farted sir." Mikasa spoke, everyone besides Sasha was trying to hold in their laughter "Oi." was all the commander said and walked out.

Everyone ended up laughing a lot, Sasha pouted in a corner, (y/n) and Connie got up to comfort her.

~~~ Third Person POV~~~

After dinner everyone put their dishes up got ready for bed and went to sleep in  their cabin's saying goodnight to friends, family, and their roommates.


The next morning everyone was to eat breakfast and take the 3dmg test if they failed the first day, the group had a worried look on their faces for Eren, only two others beside Eren had to retake the test.


The two trainees failed their test and were sit somewhere, since they could not master focus and body strength.

Eren was next to do the test and this time he stayed up longer but then fell almost hitting his head on the ground he sat there sad, the group of friends were sad and worried "Maybe there was faulty hooks on the belt, sir!" you said the commander gave you a glare and told Jaeger to switch with a cadet.

After he switched with the cadet he went into the air and stayed there the whole time 'He doesn't have to leave! ' you thought happily he got down and hugged the group everyone was then happy they didn't have to lose their friend.

' I'm so happy I don't have to leave my friends, my crush, and now I am a step closer to beating the titans asses! ' Eren thought relieved and happier than normal.

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