Chapter 3: Musical Morning

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You woke up tears in your eyes it was four am and you had a nightmare the same one you have had for the past week 'Something is totally wrong.' you got up from your bed and made your (f/c) sheets and fixed your (f/c) pillows up, making your bed neatly, you did this because your room looks way nicer when you do and a figure who is obsessed with organization Levi. You got up out of your room closing your white door and headed for the room with the piano.

You opened the door then closed quietly not wanting anyone to wake up. There was a violin next to the piano, you picked the case up and set it on its back so you could remove the violin from it's casing you got your bow, the violin, some music, a music stand and the cream that you put on your bow. After everything was ready you started to play the violin at this point you were just warming up you and your instrument you played Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift, you played the best you could knowing you still have that stubborn sprain cast on restricting you, you gave it your all as you tried to play the song which turned out better than you thought it would.

It was now five am and everyone was getting up to prepare their day of school and work your back was facing the door and you were in the corner of the room playing the violin you heard footsteps upstairs "(y/n)!!! SHES NOT IN THERE" someone said you didn't know who it was it was a bit muffled you continued to play the violin maybe they will know that you were downstairs you played another song you tapped your foot to the melody.

As you were nearing the end of the song you felt eyes watching you, you shook it off and kept playing the song, when you finished the end of the song you added your own little remix to it. After your little remix was over you heard clapping you quickly turned around to see your family standing there in the room watching you with smiles on their faces, even Levi was smiling but not as much as everyone else. "When -- How?" You said confused 'How are they not angry? ' you thought "Once we heard a violin we knew where you were." Daniel spoke you nodded "Okay... But how long were you four there?" you ask confusion written all over your voice and face "For a while." Mikasa said as you heard yet again another whoosh from her phone

 "Don't tell me. Did you do what I think you just did!!!" You whispered yelled at Mikasa who had a smirk on her face "Mikasa!" You set down your violin and started to chase your sister but your mom stopped you "(y/n) no running in the house, especially at this hour." she scowled you. You were already ready for school in your black cardigan, (f/c) converse, (f/c) short sleeve t-shirt that read 'Infinity' with a infinity sign in silver and you wore light denim jeans. "Does she want a death wish!" you let out with another sigh "Considering you have a cast on your arm, you cant do nothing." Levi murmured but you could hear him you gave him the What-the-hell-is-your-point look he smirked at you.

You went upstairs and ate breakfast your bruises were faint now your wrist hurt still and so did the rest of your body but it wasn't as bad as yesterday. You finished eating and grabbed your backpack and the books you took home, you remembered today was Tuesday, Monday's ugly sister. You walked out the door leaving your siblings behind "Wait up!" Mikasa said as you closed the door they sighed "Someones on their damn period" Levi mumbled making Mikasa slap him "Damn you too!?" Levi said rubbing his arm "No that's just wrong." Mikasa told him as she went out the door Levi following behind her. You were way ahead of them "Jeez! She walks fast I can barley see her!" Levi said looking at Mikasa she nodded and they ran to her, your (f/c) earbuds were in and you were listening to All Of Me by John Legend, casual you started singing softly to yourself you didn't here your sibling behind you, they smirked and it was still the beginning of the song Mikasa made a video from behind recording you sing, you still have seven minutes till you arrived to school it was a ten to fifteen minute walk on good days.

You felt a presence behind you not one but two but they were just your siblings, you knew that because no one ever walks from that way. You stopped singing since you were in front of the school Eren, and Armin ran to the three of you. You had your eyes closed at the moment and your earbuds were still in your ears playing music "(y/n?)"  Eren asked as he gave you a hug you opened your eyes to see who it was "Gah!" You whispered yelled pulling your ear buds out "The hell?!" You said staring at him weirdly "Sorry!" Eren squeaked the rest of the group Sasha, Connie, Petra, Jean, and Hanji  showed up "Oi!" Jean said walking towards everyone, you guys were twenty minutes early you normally did this so you all could chat before having a stressful day.

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