Chapter 2: The Whole In The Wall

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Sorry this took so long, I had all my schoolwork being a butt and sickness that is getting way out of hand. THIS CHAPTER IS GOING TO BE SHORT I'M SORRY D:

Chapter 2: The Whole In The Wall

*Cue narration*

      After the repetition of two weeks; get up, get dressed, eat, learn, go home, homework, chores, sleep, and repeat finished. Everything was no longer how it was, as humanity was receiving a grim reminder. But they don't know it yet.....

     "Armin! Where did you find that?" Eren and (Name) asked well more like exclaimed "You're going to get into trouble by the garrison you know!" Eren added on, Armin only smiled and sat down on his legs the book in front of him opened.

       Inside a picture showed a not so vibrant painting of an ocean, "This is the ocean, the majority of it is made of salt!" Armin exclaimed, smiling at the book that laid in front of the three, Mikasa off to the side playing with rocks and the water.

      "Wow," Eren and (Name) said in awe, "But that can't be with the ocean being made of salt, salt is a luxury!" Eren exclaimed in wonder again, Armin shook his head with a smile still. "People can extract the salt and then you can use it for a number of things." Armin replied.

        As (Name) was about to speak a large earthquake came and made them fly into the air, curious to what that was and hearing screaming the four looked at each other and ran to where they were able to see the gate of wall Maria, only to see a hand on the top.

        Most of the people in the area were yelling or thinking that wall is over 50 meters high (164 feet) how is that titan able to tower over it? Eren, Armin, and (Name) stood with wide eyes, Mikasa looked bored as ever but her gray eyes showed she was terrified.

        And then it happened, the giant titan picked up its foot and smashed it into the gate, causing debris such as rocks, fabric, wood, metal, and glass to fly everywhere. Pieces large enough killed people or made them stuck, it even made houses collapsed.

        At this moment, Mikasa and Eren ran splitting the four up, (Name) ran to check on her family, as Armin stood there for a moment talking to himself before finding his grandpa, as his mom and dad died saving people when he was a young child.

        Eren and Mikasa were petrified as they saw their mom die, Armin found his grandpa, and (Name) couldn't find anyone so she assumed they were on a different boat then she was on. "I'm going to kill all the titans!" Eren shouted as Armin looked shocked, the girls not really doing anything at the moment.

        It was dusk when they arrived to the inner wall, filled with all the snobby rich men and women, luckily they didn't have to deal with them as they were all in the warmth of their beds and houses. The kids decided to sleep in the old storage warehouse as they would be alone and out of the way of all the old people as they could get really loud out of what seemed like no where.

      The four huddled around each other as they used withered potato sacks as pillows that were filled with hay and the withered sacks that had been used to often in the past as a type of blanket for them to use. As everyone was tired there was no point in arguing about it as everyone drifted to sleep awaiting for the morning to break day and see what will be in store.

     The break of day awoke most people, or guards woke the people who were sleeping as they needed everyone to go on duty of some sort. The guards allowed the kids to sleep as they wouldn't hear any yelling or crying from them and it wouldn't be so annoying. Armin and Mikasa were the first up, Armin raced to his grandpa to get food for later that day, as Mikasa stayed on watch for the two children that decided they wanted to sleep to the break of noon.

     Armin came running back as they alerted Eren and he woke up tired but with a start, "What's going on?" Eren asked as Armin handed him a piece of bread and explained why he had so much. Eren ended up waking (Name) up with his little temper tantrum of how this wasn't fair, and Mikasa shoving the bread and telling him to shut up, which in turn made (Name) just shake her head and eat a piece of the cold bread.

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