Chapter 30: The News

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It was (y/n).

"Hey guys!" the (h/c) chirped happily, "How the hell are you so happy?" Connie asked you, earning a elbow to his side by Sasha and a scolding "Huh?" You asked confusion now written over your smiling face.

 Mikasa sighed as she got up "Lets go, I will explain. . ." Mikasa replied you looked just as confused as before maybe even more than that.

You nodded and followed pursuit with Mikasa as you both walked away from the group, you both were still in line of sight to the group but they can only see your silhouettes of figures "Mom died, during the expedition she had to go on." Mikasa spoke straight to the point.

Your (e/c) orbs now becoming glossy, tears now sliding down your perfect (s/c) cheeks as you just heard the news from Mikasa, although your not want to break down like this.

You indeed did this time.

This hit the fourth wall to your heart, the wall you have been building since you've gotten bullied.

Mikasa pulled you into a hug, and swayed you side to side to calm your tears, she also knew you wouldn't break down. But being with family. It would break anyone who had a connection to them

When you were calmed down enough she took you back to the dorm room you guys would be staying at for a few more weeks to help you get washed up.

~~Armin's POV~~ 

(Ya did not expect that HMMM >:3 )

Connie was an idiot for asking a question like that, how could he do that anyway?

That probably hit the fourth wall protecting (y/n). She built that wall to prevent the bullies ever breaking it, while we are with her she won't listen to those bullies, but by now they are probably just long gone, dead, forgotten.

I could  tell she broke down, just by the way the figures had come closer to one another, everyone else to seemed to see it aw well the had sorrow in their eyes, I did too, shes my best friend, and a sister like person to all of us, we all have been so close together we are like a full on brother and sister group.

"Connie your an idiot." Jean spat, what everyone else heard from Eren, was shocking "Unfortunately as much as I hate to say this, I agree with horse face." Eren stated with a sigh at the end everyone's colorful orbs just widened at the fact.

That Eren and Jean got along for once!

"Oi! I have a name you know!" Jean spat with a huff, Eren did not bother to give a come back that wasn't like him at all for that matter.

"yeah, I know, I will apologize later." Connie's golden eyes hiding any expression he might have inside him, everyone nodded.

Just when you think you would not get any weirder Sasha decided it would be a good idea to eat a damned potato, but that is normally like her so it wasn't really weird or crazy at all it was quite funny to a lot of people.

Everyone ended up laughing a lot, Sasha have a mischievous grin only meaning she planned that but it was there for a millisecond till she continued eating the brown vegetable.

"I envy you Sasha, how do you still eat and never get fat?!" Connie asked amused and very curious she shrugged her shoulders "Fast metabolism?" Sasha asked with a shrug of her shoulders and Connie quickly nodded.

Eren got up and before he could leave I interrupted his train of thought I guess because he was hesitant on answering "Where you going Eren?" I had asked ". . . .Taking a walk." He replied before leaving.

~~Eren's POV~~ 

I got up and before I could leave Armin's voice interrupted my train of thoughts "Where you going Eren?" Armin had asked ". . . .Taking a walk." I replied before leaving. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.

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