Chapter 39: Survey Corps Training~ Hand to Hand

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Last Time on the 'Walking Dead':

(No. . .? Okay. . .)

We all got up and headed to our rooms saying 'Good nights' to one another before heading inside fully into our rooms, I changed into my (F/c) short sleeved button up shirt and (F/c) shorts, they were so comfy to sleep in, I brushed my hair and teeth and jumped into bed, seconds later after my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.


I woke up from a pillow hitting m face only to get up and see Levi was the cause of it "Morning sleepy head." Levi chuckled "What. . . time is it?" I ask sleep evident in my voice "five am." Levi said, my (E/c) orbs widened "Nuh-uh!" I say, sitting completely up and awake.

"Did you forget what day it was. . .?" Levi said amused, I wracked my brain for answers, which was still tired, my eyes widened at the realization, it was my eighth birthday! "Ohhhh!!" I say yawning Levi patted my head before leaving he stopped at the door way "Get ready, we are going somewhere little brat." He announced before stepping out of my room and closing the door.

I walked over to my closet and picked out a dress, it was floral high low dress with a black top (image) and changed into it, I had my hair in a beach waves with a black floral bow on the back of my head holding some (H/c) hair, I wore my wedges and went downstairs.

With the lights turned off, "huh?" I mumble to myself. . .

moments later everyone pops up yelling 'Surprise!'

I was crying tears of joy, everyone was there!

Armin, Hanji, Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Marco, Levi, Petra, Sasha and Connie.

~End of dream~


~Your POV still~

I wake up in a flash, just remembering memories from my childhood makes me cry, I started to cry missing how things were, and the fact that I am a monster now? Well was before but that i just discovered it makes me sickened I am a disgrace to the human race for being the enemy everyone hates!

I get up out of bed while silently sobbing and trying to control the water works and look outside to see a beautiful, pastel blue, pink, orange and purple sky, from the sunrise that is slowly happening. It all honesty it was gorgeous! It was about six am.

I get a (F/c) short sleeved button-up top and my white pants, today we had to do the hardcore training the Scouts do, oh how by the end of this we were going to be amazing, and in pain.

I go to the bathroom that was connected to my room and head in there to take a shower for today.

~Time Skip After Shower~

I get out and dry myself off using the towel, I put my undergarments on and then put on my (F/c) short sleeved button-up top and my white pants, I towel dry my wet (h/c) (h/l) hair before brushing/combing it out to get rid of knots.

I grab my brown belts we have to put on and slowly work my way up from my feet to my shoulders, "Why the fuck are you so troublesome!" I mumble under my breath frustrated.


After about ten minutes later I got all the belts in the right places and on properly.

I sit on my (f/c), (S/F/C) twin sized bed putting on my (f/c) socks and then put in the brown knee high boots, why they are so tall I don't even know, I always did wonder that though.

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