Chapter 44: The Leader

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Last Chapter:

As I cut the last nape the green flare shot up in the what used to be baby blue sky that is now orange, red, purple, pink and blue sky. We were now finished the training, I had cut seventy seven napes on the titan dummy's can't wait to see their faces! They will be shocked at the most! I headed back to the group and got down a smile on my face.


"Why you so happy?" Jean asked me "Oh I don't know just killed, seventy seven 'titans' no big deal" I reply everyone looked at me with wide eyes even Levi and Mikasa!

"You've grown so much (Y/n)!" Mikasa said giving me a bone crushing hug "a--air!!" I call out in a weak voice, she put me down "Thank you. . ." I say as I try to get air in my lungs once again "Sorry, just proud of my little sister!" She said patting my head "You're doing good brat." Levi said I smiled and chuckled at his comment of congratulations.

We all headed inside, I felt pretty proud considering that I got the high of a number in less than an hour! Especially because the higher ups and superiors haven't ever gotten past sixty under an hour, it doesn't hurt to feel proud but in my mind I feel like I'm bragging my heart away. I sighed and went to the mess hall considering it was nearing dinner time, and I was hungry after a long day of training

I got my tray and headed down to one of the far corner walls table, I felt like I needed to be over there, so I don't do anything stupid, last time something happened and that was yesterday, where Jean and Eren were bickering per usual and I had stated that they were arguing like an old married couple. Eren laughed even though I said it to him and Jean, Jean just slapped the back of my head and left the mess hall.

So instead of wanting that to happen, I am hopefully going to be able to sit over here in the corner eating my chicken noodle soup, bread and water like a awkward person I am. "(Y/n)?" I heard a voice call out "Hm?" I hum for a reply "Why are you by yourself?" the voice asked it was a males and it was instinctively familiar.

I turned around to see Eren "Oh nothing. . ." I reply he chuckled and sat down in front of me 'SHITTTT!!! ' I thought mentally cursing myself, "You okay there? Your face is pink." Eren spoke with a smirk "Hm? I'm fine." I reply, still mentally cursing myself "Okay, what ever you say~" Eren chimed I rolled my eyes.


I AM SO SORRY ITS SHORT ;m; don't kill me please

I will most likely update on 9-23-15 considering I don't have school for fair day :D

And I might not do much updating over the weekend.... I'm going on a trip with my Girl Scout group. . .

Sooooo ^^' I will try as much and as hard as I can to give y'all an update with my books :3

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