Chapter 34: Taking Back Wall Maria {2}

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Armin ran to the front stopping so the men and women who were there could see him, he then made a perfect salute he cleared his voice and started to yell so they could hear him.

"Those two are indeed human, just like us, they are just as human as we are yeah they have something else giving them a special power! But we can use that power and take back wall Maria, with their titan powers they can defeat titans with ease!" Armin yelled out in hope that they will listen to him "Get ready to fire!" The commander yelled, Armin stood there frozen in shock still holding a perfect salute ' I failed them. . .' Armin thought "Cease fire." A male yelled to the people working the canons, as he stepped next to the commander.

It was Dot Pixis, "Look at his perfect salute he showing you!" Pixis remarked "B-but." the commander of the Garrison replied stuttering "Lets take it up to see if they can do it, it's now a plan to be worked out.' Pixis replied in a somewhat cheerful tone as he took a swig of his alcoholic beverage that was in silver canister.


Eren and You were sitting on the wall Mikasa and Armin right behind you, "So Arlert," Pixis began Armin stood up straight legs shoulder length apart left hand on his heart and right hand on his lower back "Sir!" Armin said saluting "Is what you said back there true?" Pixis asked "Well yes and no, the most likely can," Armin began "But it was also to save our lives from canon fire." Armin added quickly making Dot Pixies nodded "I see," Pixis said looking over at the brunette and the (h/c) sitting on their knees.

"Cadet Yeager, Ackerman," Pixis began looking at you and Eren "Yes sir!" you said both of you standing up straight, legs shoulder length apart left hand on your heart and right hand on your lower back, same with Eren "Can you block the whole in the wall in wall Maria?" Pixis asked a serious expression on his face as well as in his voice "We don't know much about being a titan as well as everyone else," Eren began "But we might be able to do it." You finished.

Pixis chucked "Sorry wrong question, let me rephrase it. Will you or will you not block the whole in Wall Maria?" Pixis said in his serious tone once again "Yes sir!" You and Eren shouted in unison "That's what I wanted to hear." Pixis said then looking over to Armin, "Arlert will you be able to make a plan?" Pixis asked "Yes sir! On it sir." Armin said as he looked at the map and took some papers out.

Pixis walked to the edge of the wall where on the ground was where all the cadets were, all stood there is fear and worry of what is to come next in this hell hole of a world that everyone has to live in.

Pixis clears his throat and yelled to  the people below the wall so they can hear him, "Listen up cadets, we are going to make a plan to take back Wall Maria," Dot Pixis begins before taking another breathe "We have two titan shifters who are going to help and make that come true!" Pixis stated "Cadet Eren Yeager and Cadet (Y/n) Ackerman will turn into a titan and take the boulder and place it over the hole in Wall Maria!" Pixis announced.

At this point people were asking questions out of curiosity, and full on fear that there are two titans that were going to help them some people started to leave until Pixis said something to make this stop in their tracks.

"Go ahead leave! But think about what your doing, your going to leave you loved ones in fear as there are titans we still need to kill, and they are only going to deny you for you non-consistent bravery!" Pixis stated, that made everyone who wanted to leave stay and go back into their spots "Your job is to protect the two titan shifters in their job to patch the hole! Don't let an titans near them!" Pixis said and with that everyone dispersed and went to wait for their teams.


After getting told the plan thanks to Armin, Pixis gave you and Eren 3DMG's so you can get to your destination quicker than running around in search for the boulder since you were up higher.

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