Chapter 36: Court

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Eren and I were in the center of the room a bit terrified for the fact we don't know what will happen to us, Eren looks at me reassuringly and fear in his turquoise eyes, I nod calming myself down, a fat male by the name of Darius Zackly his white hair slicked back out of his face while he had his white beard that reached to his chin, as he sat down he adjusted his glasses and looked at the papers he had on his desk.

"Cadet Eren Yeager, and cadet (Y/n) Ackerman." Zackly said his voice booming against the white walls of the court room.

Everyone was silent, "I will choose if you live or die, or get placed into the custody of the Military Police or the Survey Corps," Zackly states looking at us and the papers on his desk, "Any objections and or questions?" He asks we shake our heads as we say, "No sir!" he nods his head "Good, getting straight to the point I see." Zackly stated fixing his glasses.

"Okay first we will hear the Military Police's proposal." Zackly states, before a guy clears his throat "I Nile Dok the commander of the Military Police, say we shall experiment and get as much information out of them and once we do that we dispose of them as soon as possible." Nile says looking off at his papers he was holding and looking at the judge.

' Some nerve that scaredy cat has. . .' I thought giving him a glare, I took a glance at  Armin, Mikasa and Eren, they all had scared ad worried faces, Levi was worried about me even though he wasn't showing any of his emotions once so ever, I could tell he was truly.

"Is that all?" Zackly asks looking at Nile, "Yes sir,  that is all." Nile states.

"Okay, now we will hear the proposal from the Survey Corps." Zackly says looking at commander Erwin, "Yes, I commander Erwin Smith of the Survey Corps, say we shall take them into our custody and use them to achieve victory against the titans, that is all." Erwin states with his loud voice booming against the walls "That's all?" Zackly asks making sure "Yes that is all sir." Erwin says as he looks at us.

There was then murmuring in the court room and loads of shouting.

"they need to die, by the power of the holy walls!" The wall worshiper yells.

"Yeah! They could be dangerous!" a Military Police man yelled

"SHUT UP!" I yell annoyed everyone soon shut up after that thank you Maria. (I don't want to say something to offend you like God. :P)

"You people really shouldn't be talking! You all have been cowering in the inner walls while the Survey Corps and many other people have been protecting your sorry scared asses! You haven't seen a titan up close! You don't know what we are capable of!" I yell out annoyed while I was glaring at the Military Police, Mikasa and Armin looked shocked even Levi was shocked but didn't show it.

"Get the gun ready!" Nile yells out making the gunman point the gun at me.

"Let us protect you if you don't want to fight yourselves let us do it for you!" Eren shouts out determination in his eyes, it started  getting loud once again with all the bickering between sides.

"Okay another thing, it says in the report that cadet Eren tried to swing at cadet Mikasa Ackerman, is that true?" Zackly says before saying "Is cadet Ackerman here?" Zackly says Mikasa raises her hand before speaking "Yes sir." my eyes widened and so did Mikasa's for a second, I could hear Rico whisper "What you expect me to lie in a report?" only for Mikasa to give a side glare at her before Rico continued after seeing Mikasa say nothing, "Don't lie, for Eren's and (Y/n)'s sake." Mikasa nodded "Yes, but they saved me countless times being in titan form," she began "They have taken me to safety while I ran out of gas, and protected me during the canon fire." Mikasa announced.

Just then Levi ended up going over the railing, and started to kick the living shit out of Eren my eyes widened, I knew he didn't mean any of this, he was playing the winning pain card.

he then started punching and kicking me not as hard as he did to Eren, Levi cleared his throat before speaking "I think pain is the best punishment, not getting lectured by words." and he then started to slap me and Eren.

the judged yelled out "I have made my decision! Survey Corps shall take custody of the both of them." Zackly announced Mikasa and Armin were relived as well as Eren and Levi I was filled with joy that I wouldn't die today.

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