Chapter 11: The News

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(A/N Don't play video till I tell you c:)

-----Eren's P.O.V----

We were all on the couch inside talking and laughing like there was no tomorrow it was pretty fun ' I wish (y/n) was up ' I thought.

It was now two am Marco and Jean left, and Mikasa said I could stay the night if I wanted to, I nodded pulling out my phone to tell my mom, she gladly said yes.

Mikasa showed me the guest bedroom like always, sometimes I knew already yet sometimes I forgot, oops. After that I said goodnight to the two and went into the bedroom that was right next to the piano and violin room.

I climbed into the brown and orange bed sheets and turned the light stand light off, falling to sleep.

-----Time Skip Brought to you by Jean's Horse Farm----


It was about five am or so what the clock said I heard music, I woke up and rubbed my turquoise eyes, I sat up on the bed and stood up. ' It sounds like next door. ' I thought as I got up and trudged to the door that had the piano and violin, I could hear the violin being played it was so peaceful.

I opened the white door to only see as expected (y/n) in the corner facing the wall playing the violin it sounded so pretty and it was a happy tune, thankfully it was so majestic.

(That adjective though XD)


Play song here!! /( ^ w ^)>


-----Third Person P.O.V-----

Music started before you played a few seconds later you played.

You moved your fingers up and down on the strings moving your bow in long and short movements across the strings, it sounded like a western kind of song then you made your hands dance along the strings creating a harmony with the bow, string, and your fingers.

You stopped due to the song having a break then went back into the song tapping your foot on the ground, the melody was soothing.

You went back to how it was in the beginning and moved your hand over the strings your bow going i slow movements then into fast movements, it started sounding choppy but that's how it went in the song, it was perfect.

you played in a low key then went back to its original high pitch melody, after going back down to the low melody you shot right back up going into a long high melody.

----Your P.O.V----

As I finished the song I placed my violin in its blue case, and got back up and headed for the door only to see Eren standing there in shock it looked like "What?" I asked shyly "You play the violin very well." Eren said with a small smile.

"Thanks? You're not mad for waking you up?" I asked confused normally if I do this they get pissed off.

Eren shook his head, "Nope. . . It was too pretty to get mad about. . ." Eren said with a smile I nodded and bowed "Thank you. . .?" I replied not really knowing how to respond to this weird situation.

I glanced at the clock it was now five fifty five am. 'Well damn. . .' I thought staring at the clock.

He went back to the room he was staying in I guess 'Mikasa must of told him to stay over. . .' I thought as I headed back to my room to fall asleep.

----Time Skip brought to you by Marco crushing on Jean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)---

I awoke due to the bright light in my face also know as the sun, "Gah. . ." I groaned not wanting to get up, I just wanted to sleep!

After struggling with the sun you sat up and rubbed my tired (e/c) hues, and got out of bed.

I stretched then went to the closet to chose out my outfit for the day. I chose a (f/c) (band shirt) with (f/c) shorts that went just above my knees, white socks and (f/c) converse, and a white cardigan.

I felt like a tumblr girl came into your room and dressed I in this outfit but hey I looked fabulous.

After I had gotten your outfit chose you went to the bathroom that was in my room and did the normal morning routine, brush my teeth, brushed my hair, it was really wavy due to the fact I had braided my hair (If it can do that ^ ~ ^ if it can't then it was the way you slept on your hair c:) it looked really pretty, I headed upstairs to eat breakfast.

After I got upstairs no one was up yet so I decided to cook breakfast for everyone.

----Third Person P.O.V---

After a while of cooking breakfast you heard a set of footprints you turned to see who it was it was your lovely sister Mikasa "Hey Mikasa-Chan" you greeted with a smile, "Hey (y/n)-Chan." Mikasa spoke groggily she was still sleepy, she wasn't that much of a morning person, well she was more compared to Levi.

"What are you making?" Mikasa asked you awake now "Oh the normal." you replied with a smile and handed her the plate, you had cooked eggs, toast, bacon, hash browns. You had the milk and orange juice on the table in the center.

after a few and Mikasa finished eating she wanted to help, although you had everything done already, she ended up just washing the dishes.

You heard two pairs of footsteps signalling the boys were up. "They're alive Mikasa!" you said and gasped dramatically. "Shut it!" Levi said angrily and sleepily "Some one isn't a morning person!" you stated flatly. Levi rolled his eyes "Morning (y/n) and Mikasa." Eren spoke as he sat down. You handed the two their plates "Thank you." Levi and Eren said in unison, "mhm" you hummed. 

As you went to clean the dishes off or well tried to Mikasa had beaten you to it "Well aren't you eager to do something sis." you chuckled she nodded, "Oh Mikasa I leave in two weeks to join the Scouting Legion." you spoke she nearly dropped the pan she was washing and Levi nearly choke on his eggs. (Don't think wrong with the eggs xD) Eren just sat there blankly.

"Do you have to go!" Mikasa said sadly you nodded "Well you can blame mom and dad, their my role models I look up to, and dad said he wanted me to join, with the fighting skills I have buried deep inside me." you spoke monotonically.

Levi got up and grabbed your arms "Geh!" you yelped in surprise "You are not doing this I support you with decisions, but your gonna die sis!" Levi practically yelled, you looked at the floor and sighed.

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