Chapter 42: Blushing Messes

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THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH~~ I'll do a special chapter for you all~~~~

Now on with the story~~~


What happened on the last chapter:


"Gunther, Eld.--"

"like (Y/n)?"

My heart felt like needles were stabbing it nonstop.


"--Like sister.--" I heard one of them say as I quickly put the dishes in the sink and roan out of the mess hall going to (Y/n)'s room in the infirmary, wanting to talk to her.


~Eren's POV~ (Still)

I was walking to the infirmary where (Y/n) was and thinking about different things, which lead me to think of one certain event that happened in my childhood that I just remembered after being able to somehow turn into a titan, when I never knew before.


"Now come on son" my dad said, Grisha Jeager. He had brown shoulder length sorta curly hair, he wore glasses, and his eyes were green.

"Okay dad." I reply getting my shoes on we were supposed to be going out on a walk just me and him since he is always away or I was always with my friends, like Armin and (y/n).

When I got my shoes on I went and ran up to my dad, I walked out the door before him and he then turned around and closed it after saying goodbye to mom Carla Jeager.


We were deep in the forest and my dad suddenly stopped in front of me, he turned around a strange glint in his green eyes, that frightened me a bit considering this was my dad. He suddenly pounced on me pinning me to the dirt forest floor, he had this syringe filled with neon green liquid, I was crying hysterically thinking I was about to die "Sorry, but this is for the greater good of humanity, just bite your thumb to transform and kill the titans." my father said before injecting the syringe in my arm and making the green liquid in my veins.

It hurt a lot, I dug my nails into the ground for some way to see if it would ease the pain, it really didn't I soon felt myself start to pass out due to pain and what ever was in the green liquid that was injected in me.

Before I fully loss consciousness my dad packed me up and we started to walk or well he walked back home.

~End of Flashback~

I didn't realize that I was in (y/n)'s room till she called out my name probably for the hundredth time.

"Eren you alright?" (y/n) asked me her (e/c) eyes full of concern and worry "Yeah." I say smiling to tell her I was okay, she looked like she bought the excuse but knowing her since we were little kids, I think she is not believing in my smile one bit.

"Just a flashback from when I was little is all." I reply, which was true, it looked like she bought it this time, even though it is the honest truth, it was from my childhood so she really couldn't argue about it.

(y/n) started laughing at the joke I told her which made me blush a dark red, her laugh was very cute in my opinion.

"Eren do you have a fever?" she asked standing up, I shook my head no but she already had the back of her hand on my forehead "Your not burning up. . ." She mumbled, I blushed more because she was acting like my mom, and she did that a lot.

"I'm fine." I say smiling she nodded and went back to laying on the bed.

"It's getting dark, you should get to bed." I tell her as I stood up, she nodded "Goodnight Eren." she mumbled her (h/c) (h/l) hair falling in her face while her (e/c) eyes were covered by her eyelids hiding the beautiful sparkling shade of (e/c), her eyes were pretty amazing.

"Good night (y/n)" I said before walking out of her infirmary room, closing the brown wooden door behind me and going to my own room to catch up on sleep.

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