Chapter 46: Expedition

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(A/n Yes, I know we were just sick and all. . . I wanna try and wrap this book up! I'm sorry there are going to be a lot more chapter! Because of shortness or something but, i have been working on this book for 2 months now! If people really love this and comment if they want a sequel I'll make one but until then this is going to start ending slowly)

~time skip 1 month later~

We just got finished our training for the day, we get two days to rest so we are well prepared for the expedition that is supposed to happen in three days from now, I don't know how I feel about this! This is the first expedition I have been on having to go beyond the walls sounds fun but not after the experience we had during our training to branch off,  graduation or our child hood. 

We plan on using titan power against titan power meaning fighting against titans with titans, so Eren and I will be doing that considering no one else knows how to transform into those giant naked skinless beast.

I walked into my room seeing the sun it was around three pm and I decided to clean my gear and make sure it is ready to be used in three days, before I even sat down with the supplies there was a loud knock on the brown wooden door "Who is it?" I asked "Eren." the voice replied "Come in." I call out as I sit down on my bed, my gear on my lap with a rag with cleaning detergent on it.

"What is it Eren?" I ask with a smile, moving my (h/c) hair to see Eren better, "The group wanted to know if you want to come play truth or dare later. . ." Eren said sheepishly I nodded with a smile "Sounds like fun!" I say, he smiled back at me his green blue eyes sparkling with joy "alright!" he said before leaving I laughed at his childishness, but he is a great friend or so I keep telling myself trying to hide the fact that I have a crush on him.

Because when your in this line of Military, and this kind of world it would stab your heart millions of times to see you love one gone, and there are lots of ways that could happen in this world and I just don't want that to happen to anyone I care about, so I always hide those feelings and ignore them

~Time skip~

After dinner I went to Ymir's room since that was where the game was to be held, Sasha wanted to come with me, since Connie left her that boy sure loves his Truth or Dare games.

"This is going to be fun!" Sasha cheered with delight, I laughed "Oh yes it is." I say slyly thinking of questions to ask for truth and evil dares for the pour souls who chose dare."

"I wish Marco was here to see this" Sasha sighed

(I think i killed him in this story. . . or I didn't oops. If I didn't he didn't want to come over.)

"Yeah, it would be pretty fun to see his reactions on the truth questions." I laughed it face was normally priceless with the types of questions we all come up with.

We knocked on Ymir's door then went inside and sat down somewhere "Let the games begin!" Ymir chirped with a smirk on her face ' This is going to go badly, her smirk means evilness is about to happen' I thought "Eren you go first." Ymir stated he nodded his head "Okay," he looked around the room till he landed eyes on Jean.

"truth or dare Jean?" Eren asked smirking he knew that Jean was that so called 'dare devil' he always chose dare, that idiot.

"Dare!" Jean said with his shit eating grin crossed with a smirk "I dare you to go get a horse mask and sit on all fours the entire game." Eren said his smirk growing wider, I was now laughing, Jean got up and went to retrieve a horse mask.

Once the doors closed we all bursted out laughing at Eren's dare that was genius!

When Jean came back hell broke lose again with the laughs, he I guess rolled his eyes under the brown horse mask he was wearing. "(y/n) truth or dare?" he asked "dare." I stated "I dare you to Put on makeup without looking in the mirror, and wear a dress." Jean said, I growled hating that dare. I hated being girly

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