Chapter 3: The Years In Training

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It was time like they say we all had signed up to be in the 104th Trainee squad, and let us tell you we weren't expecting all that went down, at all.

By this time, the four of us met; Sasha, Connie, Ymir, Christa, Jean, and Marco. Those six were becoming quick friends it seemed as we talked to them every single day about the most random things, well Eren didn't talk to Jean but it was for the best.

Training was a bitch but we all managed to get through it thankfully. Each day we had to run forty laps before doing hand to hand, every other day instead of hand to hand it was something else like using 3DMG.

"Hey, Eren!" (Y/n) called running over to the brown-headed male, who had the moment was chasing a certain horse face. He stopped and looked to who had called him "Yeah?" he asked as (y/n) stopped next to him "Wanna have a race?" she asked looking (up/down) at the male.

"You're on!" Eren said smirking fist bumping his friend, at this point most heard about it and came to watch, as Jean kept trying to interject as well as flirt with Mikasa a little bit, this didn't go unnoticed by Marco though.

"On your marks, get set, GO!" Armin screeched out as they then took off, heading to the farthest wall that faced them and then back.

At this point, (Y/n) was in the lead as she sped by extremely quick, Eren just watched gaping at how fast his friend could run, 'It's like going against Mikasa' he thought as he began picking speed.

The race ended fifteen minutes later when (Y/n) won the race "Good job Eren!" (Y/n) smiled high fiving him, "You too," he smiled as commander Shadis began yelling about how lights out were in ten minutes and the fact they are good for nothing shits at the moment.

When night became morning, Eren through a pillow at Mikasa, Armin, (y/n), and Jean to get them up as they were still asleep and they only had seven minutes to get changed and eat. "Come on you guys!" Eren whined as the four woke up sending glares, but got up anyway.

This occurred for many days, that was until they realized days were evaporating away as they neared their graduation for the 104th squad.

"Listen hear little shits!" Shadis yelled as everyone was in the cafeteria eating or now throwing their food away, "The Finals are coming up, so with that, you guys need to do your extra best!" Shadis yelled as everyone nodded and saluted him as he rambled on even more.

These next few weeks were going to be highly eventful, with that everyone went to go train as they were watched and scored.  

(Sorry that it was so short, I just wanted to update for y'all.)

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