Chapter 4: Breaking The Shell

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"I decided to come out of my shell." you said with a light chuckle looking at Eren, he had earlier given you advise on life when Mikasa harshly yelled at you. You snapped out of your thoughts a you saw a jumping Armin he was filled with joy "Did you eat to much candy again Armin?" You let out a little chuckle with confusion he shook his head "Nope! Just excited." Armin replied as the others kept walking but would look back every now and then.

When everyone made it to the cafe at the mall and ordered they all sat down next to each other on the benches talking and having fun, that is thirty minutes later of the fun had went away as (y/n)'s bullies came and spotted her she walked over to her no one payed attention at first till the bullies said something "Oh look what the cat dragged in, all the rats and her horrible fashion taste" The leader of all jerks and bullied Courtney, (y/n) stood up and looked at her dead in the eye she didn't want her friends to get into this 'and this is why I hate going places.' you thought "At least i'm not arrogant and have layer cake icing on my face." you said with an angered tone with an emotionless expression you wanted to do nothing more than to punch her, but you didn't want to make a scene.

Your friends took noticed a few stood up and a few kept seated, you looked back with a puzzled face as you saw your friends stare at you, only to when you looked around get punched in the face and sent flying a few feet you rested your self on your elbows one hand cupped your cheek as you felt a stingy pain, you felt  the bruise coming Eren ran to you to see if you were okay, as for Levi and Mikasa they went psycho on the bullies "Are you okay (y/n)!!!" Eren yelled with worry you simply nodded, you wanted nothing more to kill the bullies but to also run back home.

A few moments went by and Eren held out his hand so you could get up, you took his hand and he helped you to your feet "(y/n) you don't look so good." Armin said as he walked over seeing her cheek was now a very dark purple and none the less bleeding, you raised your hand up to your injured cheek and looked at your hand, you winced in pain for a few seconds and saw there was in fact blood on your hands, Mikasa and Levi both chased after the bullies they were no where in site. "I'm going to go home." you said looking at the ground not wanting to meet anyone's gaze "I'll walk you home." Eren said as he held your hand and dragged you away "Bye." Armin called out you looked back and saw everyone waving with worry, you turned back to facing the front and looked at the ground.

after you got home no one was home it was empty, you invited Eren in he had gotten the First Aid Kit so he could you with your wound. You kept looking at the ground you had been crying but not wanting anyone to see, but of course that failed because you tears landed on your hands and made Eren notice, making him give you a tight hug.

{Huehuehue c: prince charming to the rescue, please don't kill me.}

He raised your chin with his fingers so he could help your cheek you noticed a bottle with liquid that stings when it touches your wounds "No, no no no no." you said as he got the clear crackling liquid on a cotton ball "Huh?" Eren looked at you confused written all over his face "That stuff burns!!" you replied shaking your head, Eren let out a light chuckle "It won't be that bad." He replied as he walked over and dabbed the cotton ball on your face you let out a tiny yelp as the cool and pain liquid went on your injured cheek, "Sorry." He said sheepishly after that he had gotten the cotton pad and placed it over her injured cheek and put medical tape on it to keep it in place, the pad and tape almost took over her whole left face. "Thanks for helping." you said looking up with a weak smile he nodded and gave you a hug once again "How are you feeling?" Eren asked as he pulled away from the hug you falling on the opposite side of where he was sitting "Eh?" Eren looked at you confused but sheepishly smiled "She's so cute when she sleeps." Eren murmured to himself, after picking you up and putting you on your bed so you could sleep.

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