Chapter 12: Karaoke

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----Third Person P.O.V----

"I'm sorry Levi, but there is no stopping me." You replied. Levi was holding back from what he was wanting to tell you.

He is actually a Survey Corps Corporal that he was in the Scouting Regiment.

"Fine," Levi spoke wanting to drop the subject but what you didn't know was also everyone else had signed up to join as well, they wanted to surprise you and be with their friends fighting side by side all together. You nodded and smiled "Thank you for understanding." You spoke but you knowing Levi you knew he was determined to continue to convince you not to.

"Lets get everyone together and hang out!" you said cheerfully with a smile "I will also play my violin in front of everyone for once, facing everyone as well." you spoke you wanted to do that because they all begged you to play a song on the violin and piano but you were going to save the piano for a later day.

Mikasa nodded to the idea along with Eren, Levi was in his room. Mikasa got her computer and added everyone to a group chat.

ScarfsAreAmazing: Heyyy Guys! :) ~Mikasa

Potatos4Life: What's up? :'o ~Sasha

TitanMan: Mwahahaha! >:P ~Eren

NotAHorse: Jaeger what the hell calm down retard. (/) _ -) ~Jean

TitanMan: Oh what were you saying I couldn't understand your neighing, Horse face. ~Eren

(Your chat name c:): Eren..... >:T Jean..... Knock it off! ~(y/n)

Potatos4Life'sBae: What's up? Why we here?! xD ~Connie

BooksAreMyLife: Hey Guys? X_x ~Armin

(Your Chat name): Yay! Armin's here! For once. :D ~(y/n)

TitanMother: WHOOOOOO GROUP CHATS!!!! (*^*) ~Hanji

AutumnLover: hey!! What do ya need Mika? ~Petra 

ScarfsAreAmazing: I was wondering if everyone would like to hang out! :D It being the last few weeks with (Y/n) since she'll be leaving for training :( ~Mikasa

FreckledJesus: Okay :D Sounds like fun! Where are we going? ~Marco

CleanYourShitNow: Someplace >:) Meet at out house brats. ~Levi

(Everyone beside you and Mikasa): WHOA HE ACTUALLY SMILED!!!! Okay on my way.

(Your chat name): Correction. The closest thing to see of him smiling heh heh. ~(y/n)

---Time Skip brought to you by Connie's buzzed head---

Everyone was at the door, you went to the door and opened it, Mikasa, Eren and Levi behind you "Hey guys!!" you exclaimed happily, they were for the most part taken a back at how happy you were even though they yelled at you.

After all the greetings, everyone piled into Levi's car since it could fit everyone. After you guys were situated in the car you all took off to the destination.

After arriving you were having second thought it was a Karaoke place. BUT luckily it was the kind where you had private rooms so only your friends could hear you sing and no strangers, you felt relieved that it was private rooms.

"Stage fright?" Armin asked you nodded looking at the ground Armin pat your back and gave you a reassuring smile, you gave a smile back, and you all entered the private room you all sat down in the 'n' shaped booth. Everyone ordered their drinks and settled down before they would all sing.

"Who want's to go first?" You heard Hanji ask Sasha was the first to get up, "I will!" Connie replied determined and nervous.


(A/n: I'm going to do separate chapter's so you guys can also here the music :3 but hey since everyone gets their own chapter for the karaoke, means more chapters :D >:3)

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