Chapter 37: Joining the Scouting Legion

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After the court trial we went into a room that was dimly lit, and we were finally out of those tight ass hell handcuffs they made us wear we sat down on the couch that was placed up against a wall, Hanji was cleaning the wounds we had on us.

"Are you okay Eren? I know Levi didn't really mean to hurt you two considering you are a friend and (Y/n) is his sister." Hanji said worried and really loudly like her normal self. We both knew he wouldn't do that to us so we just nodded and smiled.

Levi came into the room with Commander Erwin, Levi sat down next to me, Mikasa and Armin had to go into their rooms they were super tired and were stressed the fuck out during court.

"Do you hate me you two?" Levi asked saddened I shook my head no, how could I he didn't really mean it, he did it because then we may have went to the Military Polices' custody and I would of killed my self on the spot if that were to happen, they are just like the Garrison, drunk and stupid, wasting their time and lives just sitting and drinking without a single damn in the world.

After talking with them I went to the room I would be staying in for tonight and headed off to bed, once my head the pillow, I was THAT tired.

~~Time Skip~~

I woke up the next day to Eren vigorously shaking me "GAHHH!" I shouted sitting up a little too quickly "Eep!" Eren replied dodging my head just in time before our heads would of impacted each other "For fucks sake Eren!" I said, pink now dusting my cheeks ' Why am I blushing? ' I thought Eren lightly chuckled "We are leaving soon, and you wouldn't wake up." Eren began now smirking "Why the hell are you smirking?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Be glad I did not throw the cup of water on you." Eren's smirk became bigger before I tackled him "Baka." I stated he just laughed a light pink tint now on his cheeks, I was sitting on him pinning him to the floor.

I had slept in my uniform due to me being tired so it was not an embarrassing - awkward situation.

Eren was blushing an even darker red, I laughed at how he looked, he looked so damn adorable. I stood up and held out my hand for him to get up ' I am falling hard for one of my best friends, why have I just realized this now? ' I thought confused. . .

~ Eren's POV~

I went to go to (Y/n)'s room she always has nightmares, since she's been getting bullied and also since my father had done what he done to me, I knocked on her door and there was no response I knocked again and nothing once again, I opened her door to see her with a look of pain and violently holding a pillow (A/n Yeah xD I don't exactly know how you violently hold a pillow but oh whale)  I closed the door quickly and went over to see if she was okay, well obviously she wasn't.

I shook her shoulders vigorously shaking them  "GAHHH!"she  shouted sitting up a little too quickly "Eep!" I replied dodging my head just in time before our heads would of impacted each other "For fucks sake Eren!" (Y/n) said, I lightly chuckled "We are leaving soon, and you wouldn't wake up." I began now smirking "Why the hell are you smirking?" (y/n) asked raising an eyebrow.  

 "Be glad I did not throw the cup of water on you." my smirk became bigger before I got tackled by (y/n) "Baka." she stated I just laughed a light pink tint now on her cheeks, she was sitting on me pinning me to the floor.

Luckily she was in her uniform or it would of been seriously awkward.

I was blushing an even darker red, she laughed a little before she stood up and held out her hand for me to get up 'Why the fuck must she be so adorable! ' I thought "You sure are aggressive in the morning." I said "Sorry." she mumbled, I ruffled her already messy hair.

~Time skip after eating brought to you by: Author-senpai's tiredness and laziness~

We wore the green capes with the blue and white wings badge on them, I put my hood on my head (Y/n) had done the same, her (H/c) was tucked away behind the forest green cloaked hood, "We will become the Wings of Freedom, and fight for humanity" I mumbled under my breath walking to my horse, he was very calm.

(Y/n) got on her horse after Heichou told everyone to get ready and that we leave in five.

We were heading to an old HQ as some of the higher ups were talking about we were taking our time on horseback just strolling along, and to me that felt like a very good thing, considering its been a hell of a week.

Petra was talking to (y/n), considering Petra was next to her and normally (Y/n) was quite unless it was her friends and her two siblings "Ral, stop talking." Levi yelled annoyed I could tell he had his brotherly and sisterly vibes kicking in.

this old man who looked a lot like Levi came over to me "Tch, no your place usles-" was all he said before his horse mis placed its foot and hit a rock causing him to bite on his tongue and bleed serves him right.

When we got there the castle on the outside looked HUGE!

we all got off our horses and put them in the stables, Hanji was running about looking for someone, or something, I wouldn't really know, considering it's Hanji we are talking about.

After putting up the horses we were to clean the whole castle, luckily I wasn't alone for cleaning the top floor, I had (Y/n) with me, she always is fun to be around.


A/N: Sorry I took so long to update ;-;

I went to Annapolis one day, my dad friend is here, and I've been tired.

fml. so I'm glad I was able to at least make an small update,

Considering Marco- senpai has been supporting me on this story and just in general!

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