Chapter 52: Devistation

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"(Y/n)! LOOK OUT!" A females voice called out, "Huh?" I asked as a giant hand picked me up making me squeal with surprise "Shit! PUT ME DOWN!" you spat at the giant monster.

I'm a titan, yet I hate titans. . . 

Moving around in the titans grasp I couldn't move my hands making me vulnerable  to the titan since I can't cut my way out of its grasp the next thing I know my legs get chopped off and the titan starts to eat my legs, 'owwww!!' I think, only for it to slip out into a loud scream "(Y/n)!!! NO!'' I heard a voice.

'Levi. . . He's going to be so upset. . .' I think as I was put into the beasts mouth completely.

"I'm so sorry. . . I love you all. . . " I think as I pass out from blood loss as I fall into the titans stomach, hearing muffled yells at the titan.

Then everything went black.

~Levi's POV~ (again xD)

Those fucking bastards killed my little sister!

They must pay. . . 

Especially the one that ate her!

I swing at the titan that ate her, I know she will regenerate but still, the damned beast brat, caused her legs to be bitten off.

I use my special move and spin slicing the nape of the neck perfectly, it fell straight on its face eating the dirt "Tch, serves you right." I say whistling for my horse, and hopping on him, "Lets go!" I shout to my team mates, "Hai corporal!" They shout coming back and getting on their horses again.

I hope she is still alive, but I didn't see any remains out of that titan. . . She must really be dead if she's not there right?

Uhg this is giving my a migraine I can't think at all, and everyone is looking at me like I'm insensitive about her death, I really am fucking sad, its just that I don't want to let that show in front of people.

I want to be alone a sulk, and just drink my worries away and hopefully die that way.

But what if she is alive still?


We ride back to the walls under Erwin's command

"They're back raise the gates!" one of the Garrison members yelled.

As the gates raised high enough we went in quickly to get out of titan territory and so they won't follow us in, we then ride slowly when the gates close "They're are less than they went out!" Someone yelled 'Tch. I don't see you with gear and fighting all the titans now do I, brat.' I thought as I keep my calm unemotional face as we ride through the little town that separates us from the walls and the HQ.

When we got back, I got off my horse and put him back in the stables after petting him "Jaeger, feed and clean the horses."I say as I walk up to my room, and sit on my bed, it was a bit cold in the room, but it only matched my feelings, the gray stones were even chilled to the touch.

"Tch, brat." I say looking at the photo on my nightstand, having Mikasa, (y/n) and I when we were ten and eleven. How I wish it were those times, I pick it up carefully and feel my eyes sting, I was crying. I was finally letting my emotions go.

I got up and got my alcohol out and began to drink my sorrows away.

I miss you (y/n) I love you deeply even though I didn't show it.

~~Mikasa's POV~ 

My little sister, gone.

I know she is a titan shifter, but there were no signs of a body in the evaporating body.

Why did it have to be her. . . 

I need to check on Eren and Levi. They loved her to death, literally.

I walked to Eren's room and knocked on the thick oak door "Eren?" I ask "Come in." I heard mumbling 'Must have been crying.' I think as I quickly enter and shut the door so no one sees him if he is crying.

"You okay Eren?" I ask as I sit down next to him on the bed "Yeah I'm crying because I died." Eren said through tears sarcastically. "Stop being sarcastic Eren, I know you're in pain." I say giving him a hug as he cried on my shoulder.

"Shhhh, there there it will be okay. She must be out there still." I tell him like a mother would to her child after a nightmare or when a thunder storm happens.

"Mikasa SHE'S GONE SHE'S NOT COMING BACK!" Eren yelled through tears I sighed and continued to hug him "I know she is Eren." I mumble

"I'm sorry Mikasa, I've been trying to communicate with our telekinesis via titan brain, but all I hear is static." Eren mumbled sadly sniffling after finishing his crying fit. I sighed and continued hugging him.

~~~~Everyone's POV~~~~

(Armin,Hanji,Eren,Mikasa,Jean,Levi,Petra,Sasha,Connie,Ymir, Krista)

I miss (Y/n)!

Why must she have to die like that!

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