Chapter 8: Hospital Release

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After you guys calmed down you all started talking to each other again, Eren would constantly stare at you and before you would notice look out the window. After what seemed like eternity there was a knock on the door "Miss. (y/n)?" The nurse spoke you knew the nurses name already it was Mrs. Ray "Come in." you replied to the nurse.

"I wanted to come and check on you and bring two visitors." Mrs. Ray spoke in her calm but yet mother like voice "Okay." you said with a smile she smiled back at you as she made her way to the bed.

After the nurse came to your bed side she moves some of your (h/l) (h/c) out of your face and put it behind your ear so she can look at your stitched up cheek the other visitors Armin and Hanji sat down.

"You seem to only need a week left of your stitches." Mrs. Ray told you in a genuine and happy tone "Yay!!" you said with joy.

---Your P.O.V----

The nurse got a fresh pair of bandages and wrapped them on my left cheek I was so filled with joy "You also get out in a a few days." Mrs. Ray had told me everyone in the room was smiling their smiles almost reaching their ears. "I will she you later (y/n)." Mrs. Ray said we exchanged smiles and then she left, "That's awesome (y/n)" I heard Armin say with a smile.

"Yes it is! Sort of." I responded the bad thing. School work! "Ah right school." Hanji said with a sigh "You'll tough it out! I know you will!" Sasha replied with her potato. "Okay, really Sash, where the heck did you even get a potato you haven't even left the room!" I said in a joking yet confused manner everyone had their eyes on her now.

"SHE'S A WIZARD!!" Eren said with a weird tone, everyone looked at him and started dying "My sides can't handle this anymore! I just recovered from laughing!" I said in between laughs everyone was on the verge of falling off their chairs "Too bad!" Eren replied dying "You did this!!" I said looking at him tears threatening to spill from my eyes due to me laughing so hard, after almost dying from laughter everyone calmed down there were a few times Sasha almost either threw up her potato or chocked on the potato "I feel like we are having a party in a hospital." Hanji spoke readjusting her glasses.

After many more hours, and me falling asleep, there was a knock at the door "Come in." I replied to the knock then the door opened revealing Levi, Mikasa and Petra came in with smiles "Whoa! Levi you're smiling!" I exclaimed it was always nice to see him actually smile! "Shut it brat!" Levi hissed, I lowered my head ' What got into him!? ' I thought "So are you happy you're getting released soon?" Petra asked me I simply nodded. After hours of talking with everyone I fell asleep.

~~ Time Skip brought to you by Levi's cleaning products~~

(A/N- F/B - Favorite Band)

I put on my clothes Mikasa brought me I wore a (f/c) sweater with (F/B) shirt, dark denim jeans, (f/c) converse and a black cardigan. I brushed my hair and teeth and then went back into my room, Mikasa, Petra, Levi and Eren wanted to come get me for some odd reason I knew why Levi and Mikasa wanted to get me but I don't know why Eren and Petra wanted to tag along I guess because their lovers and to see me again the last two days of me being the hospital the doctors wanted me to stay away from everyone.

My minor cuts on my legs and arms have healed already, I just have to wait for my stomach wound, ankle wound, cheek wound, and hands wounds to heal. The sad thing is I have to use crutches or a wheel chair due to my ankle being injured. My broken arm is in a hard cast still I only have a few more weeks with that I have one week with my stitches on my cheek, one week for my burnt hand and a few weeks with my ankle.

After a while there was a knock on my door which made me jump "Come in" I said with a cheery voice, "Hey (y/n)!!" Petra exclaimed running to give me a hug I chuckled "Nice to see you too." I returned the hug "How you doing little sister." Mikasa said giving me a hug as well after Petra let go "Bored as hell, since they didn't let me see my friends and family." I said with a annoyed sigh that they did that "Ready to go?" Levi asked with his normal emotionless face but I knew in the inside he was happy for me to get released.

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