Chapter 5: Rescuer

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"That bloody idiot, he will pay!" You murmured to yourself as you heard footsteps behind you, you quickened the pace even more not long before that a hand grabbed your hand and you let out a tiny yelp "(y/n) what are you doing!?" the man asked you looked back to see who it was "Oh it's just you, wait how did you know what way I went or what i'm doing?" you asked confused he only held your hand tighter "Well it's not hard to hear someone yell crap and run down stairs opening a door then closing it." Eren replied with a tired sigh. "Just go back, to the house." you replied slipping your hand out of his grasp, only for it to get back in his grasp. "What are you doing and i'm not going back till you do." Eren said with worry in his tone.

You sighed "mom and dad are in trouble so i'm going to go get them." you said with anxiousness, "Alone are you crazy?!" Eren said with complete dismay "Yes, just call the police if I don't come back in an hour." You sighed taking your hand out of his grip and running like a stallion into a direction 'I remember that mans voice. I know what he does and where he works.' you thought.

You went inside the warehouse and heard cries of help from a man and woman 'Mom! Dad! ' you thought as you walked toward the place it was coming from looking around and acting like a spy. You heard whips




You flinched a little as the whips made their crackling noises its been thirty minutes you kept track just in case. As you were reaching the door your parents were in you heard something coming down the hallway but only to be hit with a very hard object with lots of pain, you fell limp to the ground blood making a puddle around you while you were still conscious, you felt someone pick you up from the cold metallic like floor and carry you somewhere you tried to beat the darkness but minutes later you blacked out as you entered a room.

"(y/n)!! (y/n)!!!" cries were being yelled, all you could do is hear what was going on you couldn't see you woke up but it was dark ' Am I blindfolded? Why does my cheek hurt so badly ' you thought you tried to move your hands but they were tied to a chair you tried to move your mouth but you had a gag on your mouth preventing that. "Looks like the brats up!" someone snickered it sounded like a woman's "Lets have some fun with this one." a male said laughing mischievously, then you heard more mischievous laughs "Aw don't fret little one, we will be very careful." the male said "To bring you pain." the male continue although you couldn't see you knew he had an evil smile plastered on his lips, that's when you could see the blindfold got taken off of your head revealing your eyes to the brightened room.

You blinked a few times to readjust you squirmed around only to have the ties only dig deeper into your skin someone removed the gag from you mouth as well "MOM! DAD!" you cried looking at them they were bloody, but still conscious and alive for that matter "Sweetie! Everything will be okay!" your mother said looking at you with her (e/c) orbs worriedly and reassuringly. That's when you heard loud noises and lots of pain






You heard a heavy object but didn't know where it came from it sounded like it was all around you, that's when you looked down to see gashes all over your torso and legs and a few cuts on your arms "GAHHHHHHHHHHH" you screamed as you were in tremendous pain, "(y/n)!!!!" Daniel cried out as he heard you in pain, you felt a strong force on your right arm.


Your arm's bone broke in two, your bone was sticking out of your arm "GAHHHH" you yelped in pain, you heard sirens moments later, but with your wounds and blood running out of your body, you fell unconscious but before you did you heard cries of your name and the door getting busted in.

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