Chapter 9: Party and Surprises

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After Hanji calmed down, how ever Sasha got all hyped up when she saw there were potatoes on the food table her brown eyes sparkled as she saw the brown blobs "Oh no." you said as you saw one of your best friends go in her 'Food Craze Monster' mode. "Oi! Potato Girl is at it again!" Jean called Marco nudged his arm and scolded him for it which made most people laugh

----Eren's P.O.V----

"I'll be back (y/n)" I spoke stepping away from her to find Armin, he helped me with my problems to whether it be, homework to relationships he would help.

"Yo Armin." I called which I accidentally startled my blonde headed friend he was reading his book, like usual "What's up Eren?" Armin spoke his blue eyes staring at me, which kind of made me zone out for a few seconds then reverted to why I needed to come see him. "Well two things." I said sighing and sitting next to Armin looking at (y/n) time to time she was laughing a lot with horse-face which kind of irradiated me "Well one, (y/n) wants to join Survey Corps." I spoke I kind of regretted telling him after all she told me not tell anyone.

I looked at Armin who had a shocked expression his blue eyes were almost the size of plates, yet again joining Survey Corps, for most people is a death wish "Did she lose her mind while she was in the hospital?" Armin said with a sad worried tone "Well your expression was the exact same when she told me in the hospital." I said looking at the ground "Okay, what's the second reason?" Armin spoke.

"How should I tell her that I like her." I asked "We've talked about this, Eren." Armin said with a childish tone, at this point I was the childish one for asking a question I have asked many many times before. "Well you don't want her to know right yet correct?" Armin asked staring me right in the eyes.

"Yeah, not yet." I said not losing my gaze at his eyes "Just put those secret admirer notes in her locker at school, or put them in the mail box." Armin said with a chuckle "Oh yeah okay, cupid." I said joking around, we both started to laugh like crazy.

---Third Person P.O.V---

You were talking with Connie and Sasha, all three of you laughing your butts off from what the two if them were doing, what they were doing were being ninja's "You two should just be like batman and robin and kick butt with your 'Ninja powers'." you stated with a laugh their faces lit up with excitement "THANK YOU (Y/n)!!" Sasha almost yelled and hugged you Connie just gave a you a sheepish smile and you laughed.

Eren constantly looked over at you while he was talking with Mikasa, and Armin. The three started laughing hysterically due to the joke Mikasa made, the three were on the verge of tears, and side cramps because all the laughing that was happening. They said many jokes and busted out laughing again again even though they were calming down after each joke from laughing for five minutes.

----Your P.O.V---

"Oi! (y/n)" Jean said I was sitting down on the porch stairs on my phone to some people they thought I was sad, which I wasn't I was just tired, and in pain from the injuries. I looked to the side to see Jean sitting next to me "What's up?" I asked while he stared at my (e/c) hues with concern "You seem sad." Jean spoke I looked at the ground.

"Well I am not, just tired and in lot of pain with having so many damn injuries." I said anger in my voice for having so many damn injuries. "Oh. Well Hanji was worried, so is a lot of other people." Jean said his normal tone of voice coming back "okay." I nodded, in the corner of my eye I saw Eren stare at me which kind of was awkward.

"Well I'll go tell Hanji. Toodle Loo!" Jean said getting up with a smirk on his face "What the heck Toodle Loo?!" I said looking at Jean laughing "Yep! Deal with it!" Jean said stopping in his track to see me laughing "Okay, what ever diva sass queen!" I stated in between laughs getting up "In a matter of fact, I'll just tell Hanji." I said beginning to walk but was greeted by Hanji "Or. . . Not." I said holding my side from the pain of laughing so damn much.

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