Chapter 54: Happy Endings - Finally At Peace

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OK to start off. . .  I WILL BE MAKING A SEQUEL. . . . 

BUT, It will be when season 2 of Aot comes out ;3 xD Sorry, but one, i need to have other events in here xD 2 i need a break from writing 5 books like jeez. . . I wanna finish the books I have not finished before starting a 'new' one.

But any who, thanks for 5.3K! There's only 3 chapters left, and a bonus chapter so I guess 4 left. . . 

Well back to the story and away from my nonsense. 


"(Y/n)!!" Everyone gave me a hug to which I returned "Seems like you guys had no faith in me." I say faking a pout, they rolled their eyes to which Eren gave me a kiss on the cheek, making Levi scoff.

"But, there was no remains of you. . . " Mikasa stated dumbfounded

"Need an explanation?" I ask "Yea brat we need one." Levi scoffed, making me roll my eyes "Heichou, you killed the wrong titan, the  titan I was in got lost in the heard of the other titans, so you killed the wrong one, I was still alive, passing in and out of consciousness inside the ugly beast." I explain, everyone had their eyes widened.

"Wow, Levi actually made a mistake. . ." Mikasa smirked teasing her older brother, "Would you shut it brat." Levi snapped back. . . "Oh by the way you may want to take a look over the walls." I stated "Huh?" Everyone looked back at me confused "Oh it's a surprise, now go on." I shooed everyone to which they got their gear, horses, and capes ready and we went off to the wall.

When we got on top of  the wall while it was still daytime, everyone was widened in shock, not a titan in sight.

"How?" Everyone murmured "Trying to find my way back to these damned walls, I stumbled onto some titans, and I was like aye why not kill some humanoid jerks." I say nonchalantly "You killed them by yourself!?" Eren shouted, clearly angry and amazed by what I did.

"Yep." I say with a shrug, "We are finally free." I stated only for everyone to cheer the war against man and titan was no more, we were free once again, not having to fight, not having to lose people in a gruesome and hurtful way, the only way we would loose people now was by old age or sickness, not by the foul titans.

"Lets celebrate!" Sasha chirped happily, "I"m guessing you want food." Connie said laughing making us all crack up due to the fact of the word food mentioned her stomach started growling, even Levi smiled, he didn't laugh but aye, he at least smiled a little.

"LETS EAT!!" Sasha screamed running away to a store to get food, "She's hopeless." Connie sighed following after Sasha, one by one we all followed after one another laughing and joking  it was pretty amazing to feel this way, this world that once was a hellish nightmare, is now starting to turn into a dream like world.

We got to a place to eat, and only for Sasha to order almost everything off the menu we sighed once again "Who's paying?" Armin squeaked "I'm paying for everyone's besides Sasha's." Commander Erwin said smiling, only making Sasha pout "Whyyyy?" She whined "Your ordering way to much ya dork!" I said slapping her on the shoulder as our food came out and the waiters set our food in front of us.

"I would like to make a toast." Erwin said at our table looking at everyone who sat before him

"I owe this for the victory for humanity and the defeat of the titans! I'm proud to say that we did good and we can finally be free and enjoy our new lives!" Erwin said, making us all smile and clap and the other people in the room clapped and whistles.

The news about the titans death  had spread rather quickly around the three walls.

"I'm proud to have work with all you brats." Levi said monotonously, and after that said we all dug into the food, and talked this was a day to remember in history. 

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