Chapter 6: Hospital Visits

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After you gave him a small smile he did the same, "How long have you been here?" you asked looking at Eren "About an hour." Eren replied with a light chuckle "Dude! You could of woken me up." you replied your (h/c) (h/l) hair going into your face Eren chuckled lightly once again "I didn't wake you because you look so cute when you sleep, and you looked like you weren't in any pain." Eren replied looking away, trying to hide him blushing for saying that, your (e/c) orbs were almost the size of saucers if that was even possible, and you were blushing as well, you could of sworn you felt like your face looked like a tomato.

After many minutes later you stopped blushing and so did he "O - okay then." you replied her turned his head back to you after the sudden silence break. "Uhg! I can't play my instruments, or finish the project." you murmured to yourself "Whats wrong?" Eren asked you shook your head "Just wondering how the hell i'm supposed to type." you replied looking at both your hands "Maybe by the time you get out your left hand will be better." Eren shrugged with a sigh


'She may not show it but she is breaking down in the inside she just won't admit it, she always replies and does things like shes happy but truly that's just a cover from the plastered wall because of the bullies.'  I kept looking at her but noticed she had her head down, shes probably breaking inside " Hey you okay?" I said I got up and knelled down at the bed, only for her left hand to rub at her eyes 'Was she crying? ' (y/n) raised her head up "I'm fine." (y/n) replied as she gave a small smile I stood up and gave her a hug the shock hit her at first and I chuckled internally. "You are not fine." I spoke not knowing to even say anymore, this day just kept getting awkward by the minute. "I'm fine Eren seriously." (y/n) said with a small giggle. ' Stop being so damn cute! ' I thought.


After you rose your head up to only get engulfed into a hug you tensed up because the pain and sudden shock of what just happened, after a minute you weren't so tensed anymore "What was that for?" You asked closing your eyes, "Just a hug." Eren said sheepishly you nodded calmly, things like joining the 104th Trainee Squad kept coming into mind, you wanted to join and prevent the Titans to come and wreck the peace inside the walls. "Maybe I will." you mumbled "You will what?" Eren said breaking the hug and looking at you straight in your (e/c) obs with his emerald orbs, you let out a sigh "I'm going to join the 104th Trainee Squad" you said with a sigh breaking eye contact, you looked at your hands "What?!" Eren practically yelled you made a tiny yelp from shock, his eyes were almost like saucers but then they softened once he saw you crying.

Eren gave you a hug again "I didn't mean it like that." Eren said softly "It's stupid, don't worry about it." you replied 'It's not like my dreams just got crushed into tiny pieces or anything. ' you thought "It just took me by shock that's all, (y/n)"  Eren said giving up a tight squeeze from the hug, you didn't care because luckily the injuries on your arms were minor and they stopped hurting.

After hours of talking you started to started to drift off to sleep, after and hour you heard the door open and then close you thought that Eren left, but it was frequent, so you woke up and blinked a few times to see your friends in the room, or at least some of your friends, Sasha, Petra, Hanji, Jean, and Eren. Your eyes after a few minutes readjusted and you could make out the figures even more clearly "Hey (y/n)" everyone said in unison "Hi." you replied sleepily "How do you feel?" Petra asked kneeling beside you bed where your plastered arm was "I've been better." you said with a weak smile, "How have you guys been doing?" you asked looking at everyone "We've been fine. Everyone who isn't in here right now will come by later." Sasha said with a potato in her mouth you  giggled lightly at that.

"You and your potatoes, aye Sasha." you replied with a small smile "They are very delicious, and I wan hungry." Sasha replied while munching on the potato, you let out a sigh "You are so weird Sash." Jean said "Shut it horse face." Sasha said "Oi! Who you calling horse face." Jean replied looking at Sasha with a glare Sasha stayed quiet "Oi! What is up with you two, normally its Eren and Jean now it's Sasha and Jean." you said with a sigh of confusion "She made the remark." Jean said in a child's voice only to make Sasha stick out her tongue "You two are so childish." you replied with a small giggle only to stop from the pain, everyone looked at you when you had a pained face on "I'm fine, don't worry about it." you replied knowing everything got silent and you could feel eyes staring at you.

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