Chapter 25: Farewells and Meet-Ups

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----Third Person P.O.V---

After you guys got home you heard rumbling like thunder no louder  than thunder, you looked at the wall everyone didn't drive yet they were in their cars still starting the car, only to notice the colossal titan standing above the wall "Whoa. . ." you said everyone outside was panicking like mad men "No my mom!!" Eren said running away to reach his house.

----Eren's P.O.V---

The house was crushed and I saw my mother "Mom!!" I said running up to her "Eren! You have to run go now!" she told me coughing up blood as she was crying, I tried lifting the beams, but to no avail they wouldn't budge, loud foot prints were growing nearer and nearer "Go now!" she yelled at me I was frozen in shock, as Hannes grabbed me and took me away, the way I was facing was terrible, the smiling titan grabbed my mom is the debris "MOM!" I screamed she was crying and yelling in pain, it all ended after the titan bit her in half,I cried my eyes out in sadness.

----Third Person P.O.V---

you left and got into the boat that took you to the training grounds. The others were on the other boat going to the training grounds, they wanted you to think that they were going to the safe place. But that was all a lie they were doing the same thing you were doing, they wanted to be with their friend in this hell of the world.

----Mikasa's P.O.V----

I couldn't find Hanji, Petra, or Levi. I saw someone carrying Eren and stood up, he was crying a lot "Are you okay?" I asked him he kept mumbling stuff "I WILL KILL THEM EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE DAMNED TITANS!" Eren yelled my eyes widened and then went back to a stoic expression like always he pushed Armin back and went to the edge of the boat, I sighed, and waited for us to get to wall Rose, I wanted to see the others, to see if they were okay, everyone was on the same boat as us, all m friends so I was happy about that but there was four missing, my brother my sister, Hanji and Petra, I knew were (y/n) was but I didn't know where the other three were.

----Third Person P.O.V----

After you arrived you got your cadet uniform and was motioned to get changed, you got changed and headed out, they told you to stand in lines saluting your left hand on your heart in a fist and your right hand on your lower back in a fist you stood there along with the other cadet trainees for what seemed like hours until a creepy tall guy came outside


He got to one cadet, Jean, they were yelling at each other you couldn't hear due to being to far, then Shadis hit is head against the cadets head making the cadet fall on his knees 'Why is Jean here? ' you thought your eyes widening 'Don't tell me the others are here.' you thought.

As Shadis walked to a blonde head person, Shadis was yelling at him for his name "Armin Arlert sir!" Armin yelled out, they started talking more then Shadis picked Armin up by the head and turned him around to face other cadets. 'No way Armin is here too!? ' you thought as you noticed Commander Shadis walking down your row.

He stopped at the girl with the potato in her hand 'Sasha. . .' you thought as you mentally faced palmed yourself. She split half her potato with the commander only to get yelled at and now having to run laps during dinner.

It was now dinner time and all the yelling at the so called 'weaklings' as the commander calls them ended and you get to finally eat, you grabbed your tray and noticed a familiar hair color and scarf you quickly walked over to her, "M-mikasa?" you asked in disbelief "(y/n)" she said getting up with a smile, everyone was scattered about which didn't surprise you in some ways.

After your hug you sat down, Eren and Armin as well were here. "So did everyone else join as well I heard Jean's name and Sasha's." you asked Mikasa nodded "We kept it a secret from you." she stated your eyes widened. "We didn't want you fighting alone like this, we wanted to fight by your side and make each other stronger, meaning you also didn't have to miss us or worry about us." Jean spoke walking over you sighed and nodded. "Where's Levi, Petra, and Hanji?" you asked not knowing you were confused "I-i don't know." Armin said sadly you nodded, and a bell rang ending dinner.

You walked over to the cabin you would be in, Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, and Mikasa Ackerman. "Yay all people I know!" Armin spoke, you just chuckled at his reaction "Well okay then. . ." you spoke making everyone laugh.

----Your P.O.V----

(Jeez such POV in this chapter xD)

As you opened the cabin you began to cough "Damn it's dusty in here." You state, everyone steps in side and you go get cleaning supplies "We are seriously cleaning this!" Mikasa states angrily "Please don't go all Levi cleaning fairy on us." Jean says Armin and Jean start to laugh as Mikasa sent him a glare "Got the supplies!" I called out from another room and running back to put them on the floor.

As I set everything down I put my bandanna I got from mom and put it around my face covering my mouth and nose, I swept the floor and dusted the windows and lights, the others moped, and polished the floor and, dusted other objects, and wiped down counters and all of the sorts.

After cleaning I looked at the clock "eight thirty already?" I mumbled and sat got up on the top bunk of one of the beds in the room Mikasa was under my bed, Jean was on the bottom of Armin's bed and Eren was on one of the other bunk beds the bottom bunk vacant. "We should play a game!" Eren asked I nodded in agreement.

"What game?" Jean asked curiously and got up from the bed he was laying on "Twister?" Eren asked as he got the game from the shelf "How the hell is twister in here?" Mikasa asked I nodded confused Eren just shrugged "We going to play or not." Eren smirked "Sure why not." I said jumping down from the top bunk. Mikasa got out of the lower bunk as well as Jean, and Armin climbed down.

Eren set the game up and we began to play the painful yet fun game.


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