Gajeel x reader

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-EDIT- 12/23/17-
(2.) 1/23/18
(3.) 4/2/18


I am


"Is that boltbrains?" I asked squinting my eyes to see the long haired dude clearer

Erza nodded in reply which made me turn to her in question "When'd he join?"

"He has joined the guild two days ago" Erza explained while I nodded, pretending I totally understood what she just said

"Why wasn't I aware?"

"You are never aware, (Y/N)"



I turned back to the metal dragon slayer picking a fight with the fireball causing me to grin mischievously

"(Y/N)" Erza said in a warning tone while I brought both my hands behind my head and leaning forward

"What~ I ain't gonna do-" Before I finished my sentence, I already ran and laid a punch on Natsu, sending him flying to the wall

"(Y/N)!" Erza exclaimed in a scolding tone before sighing once I winked at her with my tongue out

"Whoops~! Guess I lied~!"


"You jerk!" Natsu yelled out punching me on the face, sending me straight to another person

I groaned before looking up to see Gajeel glaring right at my face. I glared right back with a smirk

"You look adorable~" I purred teasingly causing his glare to lessen with pink appearing on his cheeks

"Shut up, idiot" He hissed before lifting me up and was about to flung me over to one of the tables

I quickly reacted by sending an attack behind him causing him to flinch, making his grip lessen which made me escape him easily

"You're gonna pay for that!"

"I'm broke"

I easily dodged the attack sent by the fuming chunk of metal, also avoiding the attack sent by the salamander causing it to collide with Gray

One thing led to another.. Causing the whole guild to start rampaging. Lots of broken chairs and tables suddenly appeared with guildmates getting flung left and right

Later, when the fight subsided, all that's left was, as usual, Natsu and Gray yelling at each other, and unexpectedly, me and Gajeel bickering loudly

"It's your fault for hitting me!"

"I was thrown, you piece of shit!"





"Eh?" Gajeel's previous glare suddenly turned into a dumbstrucked look

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