Rogue x Shy!Reader

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Here's to all my adorable shy readers! Don't be afraid. People won't judge youc They will accept you for who you are! Don't let someone change your true nature! Shyness is justice!😂

[Reader's POV]

I was talking to Sting my best friend, He's this really great guy, he helped in everything!
He told me about Rogue and I did met him.. But not face to face
I was too shy, yeah, shy..
Sting was the only one who knew about my feelings for him and he approved of it

"You can do it (Y/N)" He encouraged me

"A-Are you sure ??" I asked him getting REALLY nervous, trembling a little

"Yeah, Just be casual" He said plainly sipping on his drink

"O-Okay.. I-I will !!" I stood up and started walking towards the bar where Rogue is

"This is what? The 59th time now" He muttered counting with his fingers

"R-Ro-" I was cutted off because a girl (Just make up a guild member in Sabertooth that likes Rogue) was standing in front of him with a blush on her face

"I-I really like you Rogue-sama! Please accept my confession" I heard her yell with a red face

I.. Don't want.. To be here.. Either Yes or No is his answer, I don't care..

I started to walk outside of the guild without Rogue noticing my presence

Then when i'm at a distant, I started to cry

No, I was lying! I want him to reject her! I hate myself for being shy! M-maybe now.. I lost him *sobs*

I ran to my house and practiced myself to not be shy

~~The next day~~

I opened the doors walking in smiling

"Today is a great day~" I said walking towards Sting then plopping on the usual seat in front of him

"Hey, I saw you walked off yesterday, how'd it go?" He asked curiously

"Nah! I'll be damned if he has a girlfriend by now, Someone already confessed to him and I wooh" I said twirling my index finger

He got surprised cause I said the word "Damn" and that does NOT happened

"(Y/N) You're not like your usual self, What happened?" He asked questionably, genuinely worried

"Well, I practice to be NOT shy" I said grinning at him

"(Y/N), We love you just the way you are, You don't have to change for a guy" He said smiling

*Sighed* "You're really a smart cookie huh?" I asked smirking

He laughed and hugged me while I hug back

"Okay.. I'll be honest with my true nature again.. Honestly, It was kinda hard to fake my personality.. And I felt my legs going jelly when I talked to you!.. Even though i'm back to being shy.., I'll give up on him" I said smiling in the hug

But we didn't know, was that someone was looking at us
Feeling jealous
Who you ask ?? Well who else ??

~~Rogue's POV~~

I started to take secret glances towards (Y/N) again and blushing

"You still haven't talked to her??" Yukino asked smirking

"Y-Yeah, She's just.. Distant towards me.. A-And I don't know how to start a conversation with her and-" I cut myself off and felt my eyes widen when I saw Sting hug (Y/N) and (Y/N) hug back

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