'REVERSE-HAREM!!!! (Special Chapter) Part 3

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(A/N- To all those that requested, I'm sorry, but I am almost finish with this Special :3 Gomenasai!! After I finish this, I'll continue on taking care of the request, again, I am very thankful for the people that likes my story, because so far, i'm very happy of your encouragements and funny comments ^_^ Thanks again!!! <3 )


After talking with Zeref again, I ran back to the Main Tree and saw people still partying

I walked to the tree and sat on the large root

"Hey (Y/N)" Someone greeted

I looked up from my hands and saw Gray there smiling

"Gray! Hi there" I said smiling scooting over so he can sit beside me

He sat there and leaned on the tree too

We were talking a little, talking about random stuff

But then, he started yawning a little

Then he outstretch he's hand and started dropping it slowly around me which I didn't notice

When he was about to relax while holding me, someone pushed Gray's face away from me

"Hey (Y/N)! Want to join us to the beach with Natsu?" Sting asked smiling at me sweetly

"Sure!" I agreed standing up then stretching

I then looked up while stretching, I didn't see Sting and Gray glaring at each other

When I turned around they smiled at each other like they're enjoying each others company

"Hey, aren't you gonna come?" I asked to both of them

They followed me to the beach, arguing a little

When I got there, I saw everyone getting ready

"(Y/N)! The changing curtain is there" Lucy said pointing at the tree with Large leaves covering it

She was still busy looking for her bathing suit

I then blushed a little, completely forgetting about the bathing suit I bought, accidentally leaving it in the 

Lucy found her swim suit and looked at me while I just stayed out of the curtains-like-leaves

"You forgot, didn't you?" She asked smirking

I sighed defeated while she pulled out a bag

"Here, I have an extra" She said smiling giving it to me

"Thanks soo much Luce!" I thanked hugging her then running inside

"I'll be in the other curtains" Lucy said from outside while walking away

I removed my top and started (tried) unClipping my bra

When I finally unclipped it, I was about to slide it off my arms, But I heard someone opened the leaves-curtains

"Lemme take a little potty break fir-" Natsu stopped from his sentence when he saw me half naked

I then quickly blushed a deep red and pulled back my bra and clipped it. I stayed quiet looking at him

Natsu was just staring at me surprised with a deep red face

"N-Natsu.. A-Aren't you gonna go out?" I asked looking down

"Y-Yeah... S-Sorry!" He said nervously closing the curtains

I sat down and sighed

"That was so embarrassing!" I whispered with a deep blush

[Natsu's POV]

I was walking to the 'Restroom' for a potty break

"Where are you going Natsu?" Sting asked while passing the beach ball to Loke

"Lemme take a little potty break fir-" I cut myself off when I saw (Y/N) there, half naked...

I started blushing quickly

Her chest is practically almost showi- WHAT AM I THINKING?!!

She quickly pulled back her.. bra.. and clipped it

I was just staring at her beauty.. She's so perfect!

Her body... Is also very perfect... God.. I can't help but stare..

It was actually quite enjoying... I could stare at her like this all day..

"N-Natsu.. A-Aren't you gonna go out?" She asked bringing me out of my thoughts causing my blush to deepen.. If that's even possible

"Y-Yeah.. S-Sorry!" I apologized taking one more look then closing the curtains nervously

I couldn't help but think of (Y/N) after that..

"S-She should have put a sign or something!" I muttered blushing then sitting down beside the curtains

'I-I'll stay here.. Maybe some other guy would mistake this like how I did and see her..' I thought sighing, completely forgetting about going to the restroom


I then looked down at my bathing suit

"T-This is quite revealing.." I said blushing while looking at the suit

(A/N- You readers think of your bathing suit, Author-chan is worried of you not liking your clothes in the story XD)

"Lucy.. " I said then sighed

I opened the curtains, holding my clothes then looked beside me and a blushing Natsu was looking up at me

"N-Natsu.." I said remembering the incident making me blush

"L-look, I'm sorry.." He said blushing

"I-it's ok!" I said "What are you doing there?" I asked pulling him up

".. Protecting you from another boy accidentally doing what I did.." Natsu explained blushing again

"O-Oh.. Thanks!" I said smiling 

"(Y/N)! how's the- Woah! You look great!" Lucy complimented while hugging me

I then blushed from the compliment but smiled

"Thanks" I thanked her then looking at Natsu and signalled him to go to the beach which he nodded and did what I told

"Let's go to the water, here, let me put your clothes in my bag" Lucy said snatching my clothes then ran to her bag

"W-Wait! Don't leave me here.." I pleaded but she ran away

I then sighed and went to the water

"Hey!- (Y/N)?" I heard from behind me

I turned around and saw Gray there, Juvia behind her

"(Y/N)-chan!" Juvia said smiling "You look very cute!"

"Y-Yeah.." Gray agreed blushing from what I was wearing

"T-Thanks you guys!" I thanked them smiling

'She looks so hot..' Gray thought blushing more

I felt someone running then glomped me

"My (Y/N) is soo cute~!" Cana said rubbing her face on mine

I blushed again and hugged back

Someone then poked me from behind causing me to squeal which caught everyone's attention

"G-Gomenasai!" Wendy apologized because she made me shriek

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