Natsu x Shy! Neko! Reader

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Requested by- @TheRomanceMasterTM

Uhm.. Sorry for doing this chapter very late *bows* forgive me!

[My POV]


I felt my ears twitch..


As did my eyes..


I jumped off the hammock then glanced at my dear owner

(; ̄Д ̄)ノ

The annoyingly loud salmon-haired dragon slayer is my owner..

Natsu Dragneel(^ω^)

I gently walked and jumped on the table, contemplating if I was going to eat Happy's precious fish..

I shrugged and bit half of the fish then jumped off, about to walk out of the window

"Now where're you goin'?" Natsu asked chuckling grabbing you before you could jump out

I blushed softly because I have his fulllll attention

"Meowww~" 'G-Good morning..'

I still kept my eyes away from him, refusing to let him see my blushing cheeks

"You know where's Happy?" Natsu asked taking me to his hammock then plopped down, stroking my fur which made me purr in delight (⌒▽⌒)

I shyly rubbed my cheek on his hand which made him grin "Aw~ How cute~!"

I then remembered his question earlier which made me shook my head while he stared questionably

I may be a cat, But I have human knowledge~ Sometimes it even makes me think if I am a human trapped in a cat's body (−_−;)

I sighed and started glancing around and heard shuffling from under the hammock

I pounced down from Natsu's lap and started giggling when I saw the creature under Natsu's sleeping area

I meowed catching Natsu's attention then started pointing my paw from under him

He followed my actions and saw the sleeping Happy with a cute fish pillow, snoring softly

He chuckled then lifted him up gently and laid him on his hammock while I sat down on the floor and watched their cute interaction

'I wish I was Natsu's human girlfriend..' I thought sighing dreamily then realized what I just thought which made me sweat and blush 'D-Did I just think that!? N-No way t-that'll happen..'

I pouted my lips and look back to see Natsu staring at me with his famous toothy grin (≧∇≦)

"Now what were you thinking? I know you too well to see you were thinking about something~" He teased patting my head which made me blush more

I ran under the table and hid myself there

"W-Wait! I'm kidding (N/N)!" He said laughing then running after me and crouched down to face me from under the table "Geez, you're really quick to get blushy~"

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