Distant! Gajeel x Reader

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Hey lovely readerssss~!

I wanna write this story. I feel like this book is losing some Gajeel-love :<


"You really don't wanna go somewhere else at lunch?" I asked turning my gaze to Gajeel.

"No" Gajeel answered before eating some crunchy silver colored sandwich(lol)

"So.. Have you decided to try it?" I asked showing to him my (F/C) plastic bag

He looked elsewhere while continuing to eat his sandwich

I sighed then brought it inside my bag again and continued pestering Gajeel with small talks

After lunch, both of us walked down the stairs in comfortable silence before I waved off and walked to my class.

I sat down on my chair and started doodling randomly on a page

"Hey (Y/N)~"

I turned to the familiar voice to see Akane(Yes, it's her again xD) and my other friends.

"Hello" I said smiling sweetly

"I heard you were looking for us. What's up?" She asked leaning on my table

"I made some hairclips.. And I wanted to give it to you guys to show our friendship" I said showing them four white hair clips with red polka dots.

I caught a glimpse of Akane's disgusted face but it quickly turned into a happy one.

"Wow, it's so c-cool! We all love it, right girls?" She asked turning around and faced the other girls while they were all nodding with giggles.

"Oh, hey. I heard you were friends with Gajeel Redfox" She said smirking

"Uhm.. I'm not sure if we're friends but I hope we ar-"

"Yea yea. Now.. Could you like.. bring me closer to him?" She asked going closer to me

"I-I don't think he'd appreciate more company.." I said in all honesty

I saw Akane's eye twitched. "So you want him all to yourself, is that it?!"

"It's not like th-"

"Alright, everyone. Seat down to your respective seats" Our teacher said walking inside the classroom

Akane sighed and grabbed the hair clips then clipped it on their collars before walking to their own seats.

I closed my notebook then leaned on my hand with a smile


"Hey Gajeel!" I exclaimed running to him with a wide smile.

He stopped from his tracks then turned to me, waiting for me to catch up.

"So I was wondering, are you busy tomorrow?" I asked turning to him

He shook his head causing me to smile brightly


"I'd rather not" He quickly added before leaning on the wall with a stoic look "I don't really wanna go out of my own house."

"A-Ah.. Then.. Uh.." I said blushing a little

"No, you can't go to my house" He answered my next question..

"Aww~ Fine" I said pouting "How was class?"

"It's fine" He answered closing his eyes

"Good for you. Today it was really confusing beca-"

Fairy tail x reader(Under Construction/HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now