Loke x reader part2

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Here's part 2 you guys! sorry I updated this sooo late! It's already midterms next week >_<


I was sitting inside a Ice Cream shop

'I'm not an idiot' I thought while putting a spoon of (FavoriteIceCream) inside my mouth

"I know him too much, he could never trick me" I muttered sighing sadly

I didn't expect that Loke will be here..

"I have to clear my head" I said continuing eating ice cream

But then my heard started aching

"A-Ah! I said to clear my mind! Not freeze it! Damn brain freeze!"


"Lucy.. How will she forgive me?" I asked her feeling guilty

"..Loke.. I don't think she will.." Lucy said honestly "After that, you really became a playboy, you know?" 

I then looked down and clenched my fist

"I just did that so I could get over her.." I muttered

"So, now I know your the boy she's been talking about" Lucy said chuckling

"What?" I asked her

"Well, she's been telling me all her problems in the past, she told me this guy who she loves the most but played her like a doll" Lucy said sighing disappointedly

I stayed silent while looking down

"Why did you even cheated on her?"

".. Lust.." Loke answered guiltily

"If that's your reason then let (Y/N) make the choice in this" Lucy said sighing for my pathetic reason

".. I'm sorry" I apologized tears falling down freely

"Loke.." I heard from behind me

I turned and saw (Y/N) standing there clutching her shirt

"(Y-(Y/N)!" I exclaimed standing up

"... I still love you, you know" She admitted making me blush and eyes full of hope "But i'm not sure if I could forgive you.."

I then ran to her and went to my knees

"Please (Y/N)! Give me another chance!" I pleaded

She then smiled weakly

".. It's a hard choice you know, give me time to think" She said turning away then walking elsewhere

"You're lucky she's forgiving" Lucy muttered while looking down then sighing

[A few memories]

"Hi (Y/N)~!" Loke greeted holding out a white rose

"H-Hey.. Loke" I said back while taking the rose from him

"... Wanna go on a mission?" He asked

".. Sorry, I have one with Erza later" I replied

"I-It's ok, bye" Loke said turning around then walking away


"Hi (Y/N)!" Loke yelled enthusiastically

"Loke" I greeted smiling slightly

"Happy birthday!" He yelled smiling while giving me a teddy bear with a ribbon on it's neck

'He remembered..' I thought surprised while looking down at the bear

"Woah! It's your birthday?!"

"(Y/N)-san! You should have told us!"

"Happy birthday (Y/N)-san!"

"Let's party!!!" Master announced causing everyone to erupt in cheers

I then smiled with pink cheeks and looked at Loke at the corner of my eyes while he was staring at me with a smile


"In here!" Lucy yelled excitedly while pulling me inside a clothes shop

"Why meeee~?" I complained

"Because you shall be my model for the day!" Lucy exclaimed

"Uh~ Uh~ Lucy-chan~" We heard a voice from behind us said

We turned and saw Loke there smirking

He then quickly and swiftly grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him

"(Y/N) is my model~" Loke said pressing his cheek against mine

Lucy pouted but winked then walked inside the shop



I was in one of my jobs, which was to be a maid in one of the famous shops outside of Magnolia

I was crying in one of the sofa's because I was left alone and was left to clean the WHOLE restaurant

It was already very late..

'I just wanted to sleep' I thought tiredly

I then heard soft knocking causing me to flinch and looked slowly behind me where the door is

I saw.. orange hair?

I slowly walked near it and noticed.. Loke?

"Loke? What are you doing here?" I asked while opening all the locks of the door

"I was worried, so I asked Mira where your job is and decided to come visit you" He said smiling

I blushed but then huffed

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