Rogue x Reader

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Requested by- @Yincheney


"Will.. you.." Rogue started before closing his eyes and blushing "Y-You be my girlfriend?!"

That was my happiest moment of life!

Now, I was holding hand in hand with Rogue, walking around town with a smile

Frosch was sitting on Rogue's shoulder, Their bond is something I admire. I was only friends with them for 6 years, They've been with each other their whole lives

My boyfriend, Rogue, was well.. Something was different with him..?

He's been twitchy and extra cautious lately, glaring daggers at the boys glancing at me, I can't touch any male other than him(and not that kind of way, I can't touch the thing I ordered because the male-staff was the one who handed it to me) and various things..

He was being protective of me, well, it was understandable because we've been going out for like.. 3 years?

But what I don't understand is, he can't leave me with a guy alone, and I mean with Sting, Rufus or anyone!

I felt Rogue's soft grip on my hand had tightened a little. I turned to him questionably to see him with a worried expression

"Are you okay?"

I smiled at him reassuringly

He may have been protective, but that was something that made me love him even more

"Don't worry, I am fine" I said shaking my head "Are you planning to go somewhere?"

"Well yes, the (favorite food) shop, if you don't mind" He said with a little teasing in his voice

My eyes brighten and I quickly nodded running with a firm grip on his hand "Then let's go!"

He does spoil me a lot, Teehee~!


We were in our shared apartment, Me cooking while he was playing with Frosch in the living room

Later, we both were eating in the dining room, occasionally making conversation

I noticed he kept glancing at me when I wasn't looking, and was a little fidgeting

'What has gotten into him?' I questioned in my mind noticing his strange behavior

I was playing some games on my psp on my bed, but stopped when I heard my bedroom door creak open

'Is this a robber? A murderer? A pervert?!'

I looked up and saw Rogue there shyly going in my room

'Oh no~ It's my sweet boyfriend!'

I stood up and went to him hugging him "Nightmare?"

"N-No!" Rogue exclaimed blushing which made me giggled

"Alright, what's wrong?" I asked pulling away from the hug

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