Rufus x reader

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Requested by- @duskspirit
I'm very sorry for doing this request so late

Lolol~ Have fun reading~ I'm pretty sure this'll suck though T,T

[My POV]

Holy Shit.. Su! Poodle! Chihuahua!

I started jumping up and down when I saw what day it was

February 13 Boys and Girls!

I quickly stood up from my bed but quickly fell back afterwards

"Oh~ Brain rush.." I whispered clutching my head and closing my eyes

After it subsided, I ran into my bathroom and did my morning hygiene and stuff

I dressed normally and wore my usual shoes before jumping out the window yelling "Freedom!", landed then ran towards the guild, ignoring the weird stares the passer-bys gave

"Aaanddd!" I yelled kicking open the doors "Drum roll please! *insert made-up drum roll* Here comes God (Y/N) Mage of Sabertooth, at your service!"

I bowed and started giving 'Thank Yous' to my guildmates who were already use to your.. extraordinary.. way of greeting

I caught sight of my close friends and their exceeds on some table talking sooo.. Let's bug 'em!

"Hello master" I teased laughing which made Sting pout

"I already told you a million times.. Don't call me thaaattt" Sting complained sulking while Lector was trying to comfort him

Rogue sighed and shook his head before greeting you while Frosch waving at you with a cute smile

"Where's my dear Yukino?" I asked dramatically

"I think she's at the bar" Rogue answered Frosch on his lap

"Fro think so too!" The cute exceed exclaimed raising his hand

I giggled and walked off to the direction of the bar

"Yukino!" I waved running towards her and sat on the stool next to her

"Hello (Y/N)" She greeted smiling

I then blushed and played with my fingers "W-Where is he?"

"Don't worry, He went off in a job wit Orga" Yukino informed giggling

"Thank god! Please help me! You know the plan for tomorrow.." I whispered nudging her

"But it's.. only a confession" Yukino trailed sweat dropping "You don't need to be so nervous.."

"But I am, woman! I am!" I exclaimed sweating like crazy

"Then how can I help?" Yukino asked sipping on her drink

".. A gift I guess?" I muttered blushing

"Hm~ Chocolates? A doll? Something crafty?" She started suggesting various things

"Oh I know! HomeMade cookies!" She exclaimed smiling

I stared at her blankly before forming an X using my arms

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