'Reverse-Harem~ PART 4

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Gomenasai... I noticed this supposed-one shot is longer than expected...It took 4-5 pages to finish.. I'm really sorry to make the people that requested wayyy back to wait this long, I am terribly sorry...


After finished packing from my bag, I walked out and saw Gray leaning on the wall beside my door

I stood there silently

He then nodded his bangs covering his eyes before walking off while I stood there stunned

I followed him awkwardly, head down

Gray.. Please talk to me.. What did I do?

[End of Recap]

VvVvVv- My Pov -vVvVvV

We walked out off the gate, me still walking behind him..

When we were away from the school in a good distance, I shakily gripped his uniform softly


He stopped thankfully, but he didn't turn around from his position. Instead, he stood in place, head down

"Gray, i'm sorry, please tell me what I did.." I pleaded gripping his shirt with more force

He then turned to me with a smile.. A fake ghost of a smile..

"It's nothing" He answered with a slight tint of doubt in his voice "Let's go"

I let go of his shirt slightly then he walked away while I stood here worriedly

I then saw him taking off his shirt

"Gray, your shirt"

[No one's POV]

A black haired-wig-wearing guy is currently hiding behind some street lamp

Many others accompanied with him are also hiding in random places, be it under tables, rooftops, behind cars, even as far as crossdressing as a woman

"Why are we even here, the date sucks!" Natsu complained on his phone, talking in the group call while scratching his itchy black wig

"Feel free to go, we will just be staying here" Sting muttered glaring at some boys who were flirting with him because of his chosen attire

"Bye Natsu" Jellal exclaimed staring at the (H/C) girl walking silently

"Gi Hi Hi Hi! Wait until I claim shrimpy as mine when you leave~" Gajeel taunted

"I change my mind! Back off bolt-for-brains!"

"Keep your mouth shut idiots!" Laxus said in a dark tone

"Guys, I think I see someone following them too" Rogue informed from atop of a roof

"Huh?" Sting asked surprised

"A certain blonde, red head and a blue haired girl" Rogue informed

"I assume it's Princess, Shrimp#2 and ms S class" Gajeel answered sighing

"Shut your mouths! Look!" Natsu yelled causing them to glare inwardly but turned their attention back to the date

[My POV]

While I followed Gray silently, I caught a glance from the corner of my eyes an ice cream shop

'Gray likes cold things right?' I thought smiling brightly

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