Romeo x reader!

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~Requested by: waterbender16


Thanks for requesting dear~ ^_^

[Romeo's POV]

I sat beside Natsu-san, talking about his fire powers

He was really my role model, when I grow up, I will be just like him!!!

"Hey Romeo, since you're 13, have you felt any warm feeling?" Natsu suddenly asked

"W-What?! N-No! W-Why would you think that Natsu-san?" I asked him blushing a deep red

Actually.. There's this one girl that gives me that warm feeling in my heart..

Her names (y/n) (l/n), age 13, like me and really beautiful...

"Oh.. When I turned 13, I felt that warm feeling.." Natsu explained grinning

"R-Really? W-With who Natsu-san?" I asked blushing

"With who? What are you talking about? That warm feeling appeared inside my stomach and it made my flames twice as stronger!" He said igniting his hand with flames and standing up with a grin

I then fell out of my chair

I laid on the ground surprised and sweat dropped

'Typical Natsu-san...' I thought sighing internally

[(Y/N)'s POV]

I was sitting with Macao in one of the tables

"Yes! I love banana's!" I exclaimed smiling

"Good! Did you know Romeo also likes it?" He asked smiling

"Huh? Oh yeah, of course" I said giggling

"Well, (Y/N).. I sorta spoke with your mother.." He said nervously while rubbing his neck

"Really? How is she? I miss her! Tell her to move back here!! Crocus is sooo far from here!" I complained banging my head on the table

"Well.. You know we're really good friends right?" He asked nervously

I looked up questionably

'Why is telling me this?' I thought curious

"Yeahhhh..." I said looking at him with an 'What-are-you-trying-to-say' Look

"And we've been keeping in touch since childhood.." He said nervously and sweating

'WAIT... WHAT IS HE SAYING?!!!!' I thought freaking out

"What are you getting at?!" I yelled at him

"W-We trust each other very well.." He said blushing

'No.. Don't tell me..'
I thought fearing 'No.. I don't want him as my.. FATHER!!' I thought

"So... JUST TELL ME!!" I yelled at him making him shake in fear

"Me and your mother talked yesterday.." He said

"Ugh! Stop shaking and tell me!" I yelled

Everyone stopped on what they're doing and looked at us

I then looked at Macao with a 'You're-dead' look and pulled his collar walking outside

"N-No!! Someone! Anyone! SAVE ME!!!! (literally me when my mom is bringing me to school XD)" Macao yelled in fear

I then put him in the middle of the forest and stared at him, urging him to continue

"Look (Y/N), I'm sorry if you'll hate what i'm going to say, your mother just brought it up" He said then breathing in and out "I just want you to accept me and Romeo in your family.."

"NO! NO! I don't!" I yelled with fear about what happened with mother and father

"Me and your mother decided to engage you and Romeo in an arrange marriage" He explained blushing and looking down

"W-What?" I asked him blushing a deep red "B-But you- and- What?"

"Your mother is afraid that something's going to happen without both parents around to accompany you in your life... So she told me she wanted a wizard the same age as you to protect you.. Then she told me that Romeo is the most suited boy for you, you are friends with him since birth, Romeo is the only one your mother trusts.. And she pleaded non stop to agree to her decision.. So you both are officially to be wedded when you reach the age of suitable marriage" He explained

I then fell down and looking at him, still blushing af

"H-Have you told R-Romeo yet?" I stuttered

"Could it be?" He asked going near me "That you like my son?"

"W-What? N-NO! Of course not!" I yelled at him "Anyway.. Why did you say to accept Romeo and YOU in our family?" I asked him with a glare

"Hehe~ Of course when you marry Romeo, I'll be your father-in-law" He said winking

I then huffed blushing more and running away

"I'm going old man!!!" I yelled running off

[Romeo's POV]

'They've been gone for a long time now.. Wonder where they went off to..' I thought looking at where (Y/N) and dad was 5 minutes ago..

Then (Y/N) went back inside the guild with a deep red face

"Hey (N/N)! Are you sick?" I asked her worriedly going near her but she went backwards with a deep red face looking at me

[(Y/N)'s POV]

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly again about to touch my shoulder

W-Why is there flowers and bubbles surrounding him?!


"Dear?" He asked touching my shoulder

I then ran off steam going out my nose

[Romeo's POV]

"(N/N)?" I asked her touching her shoulder

She then ran off, steam producing off her head

I then blushed then scratched behind my head

"Is there something wrong?" I asked myself

"Hey what happened?" Natsu-san appeared behind me holding a piece of meat

"I think (Y/N)'s mad at me.. Her face is red, she's avoiding me and everything!" I said sadly

"Oh, let me call Luce and Mira, they know what to do, they are after all girls" Natsu said emphasizing 'girls'

After that, before I knew it, I was in front of Lucy-san and Mira-san, on a table

"What happened?" They both asked in unison

"I think (Y/N)'s mad at me" I confessed

Mira-san then stood up holding her head with a shocked face

Lucy-san looked at me in disbelief

"That can never happen! After all she lik- Mphh!!" Mira-san was cut off by Lucy-san covering her mouth

"How did you get to that conclusion ?" Lucy-san asked me

"Her face was red, she was avoiding me and.. I think steam was going out of her ears?" I asked trying to remember the memory

They stood there with raised eyebrows and understood the situation

"Who did she talked to before this happened?" Mira-san asked

"Dad" I answered simply

She then walked off

"Mira-san and I would handle this" Lucy-san said reassuringly while running after dad

[(Y/N)'s POV]

At night, I couldn't stop thinking about a future with Romeo..

It's just... I can't believe it. With Romeo?

[THE THEATER IN (Y/N)'s mind (Inspired by the one and only~ TAMAKI SUOH and the weird theater inside his head!)]

"Dear! I'm home!" I heard from the kitchen

I turned around and saw my one and only husband, Romeo~

"Honey! I'm so glad! How's the mission?" I asked wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders

"Fine, i'm just glad I can see my beautiful wife again~" He said putting a few of my hair behind my ear

"Daddy!" someone yelled

A little kid with a cloak hanging around his face and body running to his daddy

"Hey kiddo! What a nice cloak" He complimented carrying him

"I'm batman!" He exclaimed laughing

"Let daddy see my little boy's face" He said removing the mask

"YOU ARE ENGAGE!" A little Macao yelled in Romeo's arms

"AHHH!!" In the real world now, jolting out of the theater inside my head

'WORSE DAYDREAM EVUH..' I thought breathing heavily with sweat dropping from my head

"Hey (Y/N)-chan" I heard my name being said behind me

"Oh Lucy-san!" I exclaimed smiling

"I need you right now.. Please?" She pleaded holding my hand

"HAI!" I agreed hugging her

Even though Erza-san is my role model, I loveeeeeee Lucy-san!

"Let's go! It's here in the forest! Sorry!" She apologized running with me to the forest

When we got there, we saw a little shed there

"What's wrong?" I asked her

"Natsu's inside there, and he wouldn't go out! I tried everything!" Lucy exclaimed sighing

"I'll pull him out" I said smiling confidently

'What will Erza-san tell me when she learns that I accomplished this!?' I thought excitedly running inside

"Mira!" Lucy yelled

I then saw a shadow run past me and the door closing

"L-Lucy-san?!" I asked in fear while banging on the door

"Hey (Y/N)~" I heard from outside

"Mira-san?" I asked

"Me and Lucy devised a plan for you to uhm... nevermind, you'll know" She said while locking the door

"Please do not destroy that shed! Natsu and Gray build that for us, they'll be depressed when they learned that their hardwork will be depressed" Lucy said making me feel guilty

"Hai.." I said walking around the shed feeling walls and ceiling to find the light switch

I then remembered who build it and sighed

"Of course Natsu and Gray wouldn't add a light switch.." I said sighing

"(N-(N/N)?" I heard

"R-Romeo?" I asked going deep red

"(N/N)! I finally found you!" He yelled feeling myself getting enveloped in a hug

"R-Romeo!" I exclaimed blushing again remembering what Macao told me..

"Hey, you were acting weird earlier, did something happen?" He asked me

"W-What? I-I'm not weird!" I yelled twisting his words around because of nervousness

"I didn't say that.." He said sweat dropping

He then used his fire magic to make a little light

When I saw his face, my face turned so nervous and I started sweating

"Could you just tell me the problem?" He asked sadly

I then blushed again and played with my fingers

"Is it about dad?" He asked me

I then shook my head

"Hm.. Is dad included in the problem?" He asked

"It isn't technically a problem.." I said blushing again

"Oh... Then can you tell me?" He asked

"N-No.." I stuttered

".. Can you at least tell me why you're mad?" He asked

"W-What?" I asked looking at him "Where did you get that thought?"

"Well.. First of all.. You wouldn't look at me.. second, you're so red.. and lastly, you're avoiding me... I hate it.." He said glumly

I stayed silent with a blush

"I'll tell you.." I said sighing

"Please do" He said going in front of me giving me full attention



"W-What?" He stuttered out blushing

"I know.." I said blushing too

We were both in an awkward silent...

We were silent for like.. 7 minutes already..

"SAY SOMETHING!" I yelled blushing deeply

"Uhm.. Is it okay for you?" He asked me looking at me

"The what exactly?" I asked him

"The arrange marriage.." He answered

"Actually.." I said

"Actually?" He asked urging me to continue

I then closed my eyes tightly and blushed

"Actually.. IT'S MORE THAN OKAY FOR ME! I REALLY LIKE YOU ROMEO!!" I yelled so loudly that I think the whole world heard it..

Romeo stared at me with a deep red blush

"AT LEAST SAY SOMETHING!!!" I yelled again looking down tears appearing

".. why are you crying?" He asked me

"I'M SCARED!" I yelled "I'm scared that if you reject me... I don't know what i'll do.. I'll ruin your life because of the arrange marriage you don't even want to be apart of.." I said shaking tears falling like waterfalls

"Who said I didn't want to be apart of it?"

I quickly looked up, getting eye contact with him

He then walked closer and hugged me

"It has been my dream to marry you.." He whispered "Even if there is no arrange marriage, I will propose to you in the future when we became a couple"

I blushed a deep red with a surprised look

I slowly hugged him, crying on his shoulder

"I was so scared.." I whispered

"Don't worry (N/N)" Romeo whispered

"I love you too"

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