x791 Millianna x Male! Child! Reader

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This is pretty challenging if I do say so myself :>

If this turns out to be the worst story you ever read, I am so sorry :<

 Requested by- @paultiteuf360

Thank you for requesting! :>



I petted the cats around me while they purred in delight

"Have you guys eaten yet? Sorry if I can't give you food." I apologized to the cats around me

I lived in an alleyway with cats. I was only an orphan boy that wanted love and warmth. These cats stayed with me while the humans were disgusted with me

"Why can't you guys be human? Cats are so much nicer.." I muttered stroking their fur

I stood up and peeked out of the dark alleyway. I saw many people were walking through the busy streets. I turned back to the cats and raised my thumb with a smile "I'll get us something to eat later at night."

They all meowed in return.


I ruffled my hair with a small smile and stood up

"I'll go fish something. Don't scatter away, kay?" I said waving at my friends and ran to the near by pond.

I went there and started looking for fishes. After I got about a few of them, I returned back to my home and saw some drunk men were bullying my friends!

I ran to them and smacked the fish I was holding on their faces.

"What the fu-" I slapped the guy again with the fish.

I glared at them and started running around and smacking them which made them grew angry. I know I'm stupid to try to fight 3 grown up men with a fish but I just can't stand by and let them hurt the cats!

Suddenly, I felt someone tug on my shirt and threw me to the wall. I slid down with my head hurting like crazy.

"Oh.. It's a little boy~" One said walking nearer while I stared at him in fear.

He grabbed the remaining bottle of alcohol and slammed it to the wall beside me which made the bottom part shatter into pieces. He then brought the remaining of the bottle and leaned it to my neck while I kept glaring but internally, I was shaking in pure fear.

Suddenly, one of the cats jumped and started scratching the guy's face causing him to let go of the bottle. I stared in fear because of the drunk guys raised a magic gun towards the cat.

I was about to jump in front but someone already beat me to it. A hooded figure started fighting the drunk guys swiftly and quickly.

"Meow~! I won't let you bully the wittle-kitty!" I heard a girl's voice yell out while beating all of them up

My eyes grew glossy in happiness and relief. She was all our savior.

'She's so awesome..' I thought in my head from the moment she turned around.

She held the cat in her arms with hearts appearing in her eyes

I ran and hugged the pretty lady around her legs with a happy smile "O-Our savior! You saved my friends!"

"You're also friends with the wittle-kitties~?" She asked going to her knees with a claw-some(LOL) smile.

"T-They're my family" I said with a shy smile while scratching the back of my head

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