Edolas Hughes x Reader

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Requested by- @AbbyBaskerville

I'm sorry for being sooooo late! I, again, do not know the character very well. I haven't seen Hughes in a while so this is also again read in his Wiki XD Lolol~ Hope you enjoy? XD


W-Wait, W-Where am I going?!

I quickly used my (Magic) to use to grip myself on the ground but some weird portal kept sucking me in!

"No!" I yelled seeing the grip gone lose so I got sucked inside that weird thing

All I saw was light, I of course closed my eyes to shield it from the brightness

"W-Where am I?" I asked slowly opening my eyes when the brightness faded

I saw I was in some.. Flying island?!

"Woah.." I breathed looking around, Then looked down and noticed it was only a small drop so decided to jump down

I looked around and noticed my surroundings was totally different.. Am I not.. In the solar system?

I then breathed in and out.. Definitely in Earth, Yea I'm in the Solar System

But it seems.. different..

"Excuse me?" I called seeing someone fishing on the- "Whoa.. Why the hell is the river flying?"

The man looked up to you with a questionable look "Of course the river is flying, So does the islands here in Edolas"

I stared at him blankly, processing what he said "Edo- what?"

"Edolas, don't you know nothing here?"

I started laughing nervously "O-Of course I do! I live h-here my whole life!"

I then turned around with a nervous look and ran away "Deymm~ I know nothing about Idolus.."

I explored everything here, be it the islands or on ground, I asked the people about Dollylas and pretended I was an investigator, Lolol~

I sat down on one of the caves down here because it was already getting dark

'Where are the mages and guilds?' I asked myself sighing before using (magic) to somehow help me in this cave

I laid down and rested my eyes, tomorrow, i'll get back to Earthland, I'll do whatever it takes to come back


I felt myself swaying so I groggily opened one of my eyes to see "Where the faq are you taking me?!"

I saw some soldier-like people carrying me somewhere, I was tied on a rope on a stick hanging

"You are unknown to us all, you have some little information to us" Some guard spoke up

"You don't even know my name!" I exclaimed struggling

"(Y/N) (Edolas last name)" Another said while keeping me from moving

(E/L/N)? Who?

"You escape from prison the last few weeks, we have not found you yet. You are the Armored Fugitive"

I stared at them in shock "Bitch what?"

"Silence fugitive"

I glared at all of them in anger, 7 of them were only there. I guess this should be easy

After with great speed so they wouldn't notice, I attacked them from behind so they wouldn't see my magic.

Because apparently, I heard from the people that there is no magic here, only weaponry

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